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Furnace Efficiency

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:02 pm
by Palomino
Hello everyone,

I currently have a 22 year old coleman 7970-856 propane furnace in my 22 year old Wick mobile home. The furnace has run great and problem free for all this time requiring only a blower motor change about 4 years ago.

Now, I use this home at my recreational property and as such Im not there all the time and when Im not there all the time I set the temp to about 52 degrees or so. Because Im not there all the time I have been thinking of replacing the furnace. I hate to do so cause this thing is running so well, but at some point probably sooner rather then later this thing is going to have problems and since Im not there all the time in the winter not having heat in the house for even short times can really wreack havoc.

Id like to replace it either this year or next with a higher effciency furnace so it uses less gas. The current one is only 80% efficient. Typically what brands make the highest efficiecy and most reliable furnaces for mobiles?



Athelstane, Wisconsin

RE: Furnace Efficiency

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:17 am
by Robert
Coleman, Nordyne(Intertherm, Miller) and others have higher efficiency.

As for best one, here's what I have always told anyone who asked this question.

FIRST, find the reputable and competant HVAC Contractor to do the work and then listen to his/her advice.

The installer can make or break an install, irregardless of whether it is a top end or bottom end unit.

Find the installer and go with what they sell, install and service for best deal.

We do not sell furnaces, only parts, so can't help further in that regard.

22 years is a good run, gotta love that.

Thanks for inquiring,

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:55 pm
by Palomino
Hi Robert thanks for the info,

One question if I got another Coleman would they be able to reuse the 22 year old Blend Air System? I just put a new motor in the Blend Air stack on the roof.


RE: Furnace Efficiency

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:58 pm
by Robert
Hi Mike,

A lot of new furnaces do not use those, but yes, if there, it can be used.
