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Prep OSB floor for vinyl

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:42 pm
by Carol-TX
I found a really great deal on some vinyl sheet flooring and want to put it in one of the bathrooms and a hallway this weekend. There is OSB floor under the carpet I have to rip out. Since OSB is splintery and rough, do I have to sand it before I lay down the vinyl sheet?

I guess my question is...How does one prep an OSB floor before laying vinyl sheet flooring on top of it?


RE: Prep OSB floor for vinyl

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:49 pm
by Yanita
HI Carol,

Many manufacturers require luan be placed on the subfloor. Once that is down you will still need to use a floor leveling compound to cover the nail heads and float out the adjoining seams.

BUT, others have just removed the staples in the floors , swept up the dirt and lay down the product. I do not recommend this but it has been done.

Whatever brand name of vinyl that you have purchased should have installation instructions included, if not they all have websites with the specifics.


Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:03 pm
by Demolition
I agree with Yanita. I used to work at a carpet store and that is what we did.
First make sure all the nails are down good. Get the white gypsum patch powder. You mix it like pudding, then spread it over the OSB.
Do the seams where the boards meet each other and anywhere there is a nail.
The gypsum dries in less than 30 minutes, then put down the glue. If you are putting glue over a wood floor, some of the glue will be absorbed into the wood.
Just follow the instructions and use a trowel with small teeth.

Make sure you size the vinyl before putting down the glue. Keep the vinyl warm so you can bend it around easy. So don't leave the vinyl in the garage the night before you install it.

RE: Prep OSB floor for vinyl

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:42 am
by mp183
My mother put down vinyl in her kitchen.
In the high traffic areas every little bump wore through the vinyl in a matter
of years.

RE: Prep OSB floor for vinyl

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:34 am
by Yanita

That would be from improper prep of the subfloor. This is why most manufacturer's require a luan be put over the top of the subfloor. Be sure to stagger the luan joints from the OSB sub floor.


RE: Prep OSB floor for vinyl

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:27 pm
by Carol-TX
Thanks for the help, you guys. I will have to look into getting some luan tomorrow after work... I'm too tired to do it tonight! LOL