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CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:09 pm
by Koiflowers
My husband, a heavy smoker for over 40 years, is taking Chantix and has cut back from 2 packs a day to one pack every three days. This is quite astonishing, as he told me when we got married not to ever ask him to choose between me and the cigarettes. He believed he could never quit, and I'm a non-smoker who hates everything about cigarettes.

Is anyone else trying this new miracle drug.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:16 pm
by Mark
Anything a person does to cut back on smoking gets a big pat on the back from me.

I think the drugs probably help, but a person making up their mind to quit is probably the most powerful drug!

My father-in-law was a heavy smoker. Then one day he got a bad colfing spell that scared him. He quit cold turkey that day with no drugs, and has never touched a cigarette since. It's now been 3-4 years. Definitely mind over matter!


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:09 pm
by Greg
It has worked for my wife. Now if the insurance companies (that claim smoking costs them millions of dollars) would only cover the cost ot it!! Greg

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:26 pm
by lefties
i know several who have quit with chantix,and one who hasnt. I rolled my own non filters for 28 yrs,,,smoked for 30 yrs or so. Just stopped 5 yrs ago. I had incentive,,thought i killed my housecat of 13 yrs with cancer. Had 2 others in house,,so i stopped. Smoking i think is as much psychological as it is nicotine habit. I think when you break the habit of having something in your hand and putting it to mouth you help break it. Took me 4 days b4 the urge dropped,,then after 2 weeks i thought i was safer,,after a month i thought,,haha piece of cake-i win!!!

RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:42 pm
by Sylvia
DH tried it and it worked fairly well but he didn't sleep well, he was constantly nauseous and he didn' t like how it made him feel. He has been smoking for almost 40 years though.

For a brief and happy time though, there was much less cigarette smoke floating around. :roll:

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:49 pm
by Greg
Sandy found ALWAYS take after eating, taking with milk helps. Next phase will be weird dreams. It WILL work. Greg

RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:36 am
by Yanita
Congrats to those that have quit!

I have tried a few times to, but have been unsuccessful. I hate the smell, can't stand smoke in my eyes, yet as I sit here I have one burning, go figure.

I have tried the patches, that almost worked. Have never tried any of the pills. Wellbutrin cost an arm and a leg, never heard about the Chantix...although last night was reading online MSNBC news and that was the headlines.

Maybe one day I will be smoke free.


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:46 am
by lefties
The down side is i gained 35 pounds and now they tell me im diabetic. I dont buy it though.

RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:33 am
by Harry

I tryed to quit for years. No smoking on flights helped. No smoking at work helped. So for a while I only smoked when I had a drink at the neighborhood bar.

Then one day in 1992 Hurricane Andrew blew the bar away along with the rest of the neighborhood. We relocated up the coast and were so busy rebuilding our lives I forgot all about drinking and smoking.

Thank you Hurricane Andrew!


RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:04 pm
by Koiflowers
Our insurance company prefers to pay for long-term lung diseases and smoking related illnesses. But my insurance spokesperson proclaimed Chantix to be a real success story, and apologized that they couldn't cover any of the cost. Not so for all plans though. Some insurance companies pay a percentage if not all of the cost.

Shop around. Sams Club was much less expensive than Wal-Mart (under $100 for one month supply). Wal-Mart was $127, Brookshires (grocery store) $117. Don't assume discount store means discount drugs.

Yanita, I hope you consider the Chantix. Hubby no longer hacks up flem every morning. He breathes easier and feels better overall. But he's not smoke-free yet, I hope he makes it! I want to have a good 20-30 healthy years with him.

RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:43 pm
by Yanita
Hi Koiflowers,

Appreciate the concern but I am rather narrow minded for myself when it comes to taking meds. Yes, some folks needs meds for life sustaining purposes. I will never downgrade someone for choosing to take meds.

BUT, for me (IMO) I prefer to not substitute one problem for another. Thankfully during my last and very recent physical, my lungs are clear, and no signs of emphysema or other smoking related issues. Diaphragm is not thinning out and thankfully I don't hack up anything.

Although I physically open one pack of cigs a day, apparently alot of them are used as incense. In other words, I have a tendency to light up, out of habit, set it in the ash tray and then do dishes, wipe the counter, throw in a load of laundry, something, and then I return to find the cigarette burnt I light up again, and then will smoke some of that. Not trying to justify bad behavior or my reason for smoking.

Have tried the patches and they were pretty successful, I was not. Some things in life got stressful, I enjoyed the cig, LOL, even made me sick till I got used to it again. The patches are a step program, I can not use the first 2 stages, the nicotine content is way to much, had violent nightmares and the shakes.

Anyways, I am very happy for those that quit, and always encourage my friends when they try and some even succeed...but the bottom line, I simply enjoy that cigarette...LOL, we all seem to have some sort of vice in life, whether it be nicotine or caffeine...

Have a great day!


RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:31 pm
by Harry

I recently had extensive spine fusion surgery. My Dr will not operate on smokers because it causes pseudoarthrosis (the bones will not fuse).


RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:44 pm
by Yanita

Again, every Dr. has different ways in which they practice...ummm, my Hubby had spinal fusion a little better than 2 years ago, suppose of to been out of work 18 months...healed fine and was back to work in less than 9 months...

Hope your recovery is going well.


RE: CHANTIX - success?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:55 pm
by Harry
Hi Yanita

Re: My Recovery - I'm milking it for all it's worth. We recently went to Busch Gardens and I rented an electric scooter. I also got a handicap parking sticker. Still can't lift more than a gallon of milk.
I had a 4 level fusion L2 thru S1. Pretty extensive plus I may need a revision surgery.

I appreciate the support.


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:28 am
by lefties
Good job Harry!!