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Mortex Coil and Goodman HP ?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:37 pm
by hojoh
Hi All
I am getting ready to have a Goodman GSH14036 HP with a Mortex 96-8W4X coil with TXV installed. The coil change has come at a last minute as the Goodman series supposidely arent designed for MH use, and had to change coils at the last minute. The question I have is will this combination give me a 13 or a 14 SEER final rating, and a 7.75 or a 8.25 HSPF Rating? I found a 98-8W7N coil with piston that gives the GSH-14 the higher ratings, but dern if I can find aything for the 96 series coil anywhere when matched with this unit. Are these 2 coils close in their ratings. The 98 is too tall to fit without reworking some sheetrock to get it in there and noone has it in stock here on a last minute notice, so I am having to go with the 96 series with the txv. Any help and info would be great.
ALso it is going on top of the Intertherm with a 1460CFM on high. Again thanks for any help here!


RE: Mortex Coil and Goodman HP ?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:58 pm
by Robert

Unfortunately, we have no data or info on Goodman units. It is something we hope to resolve in the future, but haven't had opportunity as of yet.

Don't know of any restriction on using in MH other than size dimensions and tonnage.

Have you went to Goodman's website or called their assistance reps ?
