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electric furnance

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:57 am
by x-trucker
Hi, just closing on a 2002 manufactured home in Ohio(gets cold here) It presently has a Coleman furnace, no central air. want to replace or update system. has no return air system except thru furnace top and louvered door. 1512 square ft. no plenum on top of furnace(is this usual)Would like to add central air and possibly up to more efficacy furnace. no gas available at location.Used to be hvac man about 30 yrs ago, boy have things changed any help would be greatly appreciated. :D :D

RE: electric furnance

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:49 am
by Robert

Yes that is normal, most all have return at top or front of furnace using the home itself as the return pathway.

You can add a/c and upgrade to a newer furnace, just have to be sure they are designed for use in a manufactured home.

Has to fit dimension wise and have a MH duct rated blower motor due to the small duct system in MH's.

For an electric furnace and a split system a/c, your A-Coil (evaporator coil) would sit atop the furnace.

Some furnaces use an a-coil shelf to sit it on, others just sit it atop as furnace is designed for it.

Best to find an HVAC Contractor who installs and services MH units to see what is available.

I started about the time you finished, so yes, it has changed drasticly in that time period.

Take care and best wishes,