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Nice Heat !

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:16 pm
by SpongeBob
Hi everyone, it's been 2 weeks now since I purchased and installed my new Toyo Stove heater. With bitter and sometimes below zero temps here in N.H. This medium sized (22K BTU) gem of a heater is performing much better than I anticipated in my 12 x 60 DW even though I have a neighbor who swears by them. Direct vent, double pipe (convection heating) is wonderful. 70* - 75* without any indoor drafting. NO more blower motor kicking on while trying to sleep. All my pipes are located inside so there has been no plumbing or frozen pipe issues. On the coldest days the heater uses 1.5 gallons of kerosene. So, it is also paying for itself quite quickly. My question is why aren't these becoming more popular ?(I do realize water pipe issues.)

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:05 pm
by Greg
Bob, it is very similar to my 15 yr old Monitor. The main reason they have not caught on is the price. They run as much as a new furnace, But I still swear by mine. Greg