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Bumpkeys - are your doors really secure?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:24 pm
by Mark
Check out this video. It's a real eye-opener how someone for as little as $2 can buy one of these keys and break into your home.

After watching it, a couple questions came to my mind. First, the key has to fit into your lock in order to be able to work. Second, is there bumpkeys for double-sided keys, like those generally found in automobiles?

So watch this video. At least I hope your able to view it from this link. If not, go to youtube and search 'bumpkeys' and all kinds of videos will come up.


Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:16 pm
by Jim from Canada
The old addage is true, locks only keep out honest people!


RE: Bumpkeys - are your doors really secure?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:22 pm
by Yanita
Hi Mark,

Well of course the crooks knew about them and not law abiding citizens.

Guess I will have to see if Lowe's or Home Depot carries those locks that they showed in the video. Kind of pricey though to do 3 doors! I am sure it is only a matter of time before the crooks figure out a way to get a key made for those as well.

Thanks for the video.


Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:01 pm
by Greg
Most double sided key type lock still only use one set of tumblers, it is moe for show than anything else. Greg

RE: Bumpkeys - are your doors really secure?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:33 am
by Robert
I just hope when/if they come, I'm at home.

I may not can make them stay outside, but can definately help them back outside.

Getting inside a home is so easy, it is a wonder it doesn't happen more than it does.

Be PRE-active or RE-active, you may not live to be PRO-active.

Take care and best wishes,

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:34 pm
by Greg
We have 2 security systems, a 100# black Lab & 95# shepard mix. Truth be told, give them a dog biscut and they will help carry stuff out for you. Greg

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:49 am
by bkbunny
I live by the adage my dad had. If they want in they will get in!!! He never locked his doors and well neither do I, cost more to fix up what they break getting in then what poor old me has inside here... actually they would be doing me a favor if they take this junk away,,lol

RE: Bumpkeys - are your doors really secure?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:03 pm
by Koiflowers
I have a woman's perspective on unlocked doors. If an intruder is intent on getting in, I want to hear the door breaking down so I have a little more time to react. I don't want anyone slipping in silently for a night-time ambush.

20 years as a single mom of three, and 18 years living 13 miles outside D.C. makes you toughen up quickly about safety. No matter how nice your neighborhood is, criminals just drive into your nice little subdivision for home invasions, break-ins and worse.

Greg: About the dogs, I have a 95 lb pitt that was raised as a family pet. My son had just left the house through a sliding-glass door at the back of the house and I hadn't locked it yet. Minutes later two men walked into my house through that door wearing masks, and the pitt just sat there and watched while I was pulled off the couch, thrown on the floor and punched on a bit. I escaped with a black eye, a busted jaw and bruises. The dog left with the intruders, kind of running happily down the street after them. I think I heard the dog calling out "Hey man, where you going, is there a party?" Yes, Sandman the 95 lb pitt was a great family pet, but a miserable disappointment as the family guard dog.

Now for a little humor, I called the police, my son and a friend. My friend showed up immediately to sit with me until the police arrived. The police never came. About 40 min. later, I called them and was told, "there is a pitt bull in your front yard, and we are unable to approach the premises!!!!" Then I realized Sandman was great at keeping the police away, but had no effect on criminals!

My dad sent me $1,000 the next day for an alarm system that included motion detectors. I believe our feelings of security are directly related to where we live, and if you live in or near a big city you stay on "code red." (i.e., many years ago in Houston, hubby awoke to someone in our house, and I awoke to him standing beside our bed yelling "take another step and I'll shoot." He pointed a shotgun at them and they crouched behind a bookcase and eventually fled through the backdoor - I hid behind the bedroom door, and he later told me he would have been unable to shoot because it was buckshot and he would have hit me, too.)

Now that I live on the lake in a small community 1500 miles from D.C., I've eased up considerably on the fear factor, mostly because I once again have a protective husband with a loaded rifle on his side of the bed.

After the bump key disclosure, I'm wondering about the numerical keypad type lock. A few friends I had in Queens had them installed on their entry doors. So I'm wondering if the internet is selling a device to easily bypass these, too?