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Just moved into my trailer ... problems

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:38 am
by Nichole
Hi all,

sorry if this post doesn't belong here i really wasn't sure where it would fit in at. well after having to wait over a month to move into my new trailer i was finally able to move in. the maintaince folks who pulled the carpet really dragged thier feet replacing it. in fact i was so happy to be able to move out of my mom's place that i really don't even care that they used 3 diffrent colors of carpet ranging from brown to teal :roll: soo i was walking around inspecting stuff and noticed they managed to chip, break, or peel every single built in set of dwares/cabnets. ( okay i'm now done complaining now to the question stuff)

where exactly do i find someone to fix my built ins and kitchen cabnets? since its mostly partical board i'm not sure if i should call a carpenter or not. well I'm sure there is more questions I want to ask but i'm exhausted soo <reserves right to edit this post later> lol nighty night all.

RE: Just moved into my trailer ... problems

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:41 am
by Yanita
Hi Nichole,

Welcome to the site.

This a brand new home...meaning it was just purchased off the MH dealership lot? I ask as generally all homes have the same colored carpet throughout.

If it is new then you need to call the dealer you got it from and they should send someone out to repair all damages.


RE: Just moved into my trailer ... problems

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:17 pm
by Nichole
Nope its not new, its a 1960 legacy. I bought it off the Trailer Park. I was just taken aback at how the maintenance staff broke more things that didn't even need to be touched or fixed. I kinda feel like i paid $5,000.00 and then they trashed it. now i have to spend even more money fixing it. the doors and cabnets should not have been touched period. i'm a bit worried now that the repairs will cost more then the trailer itself.

I personally wouldn't have purchased the place in the condition it is in now. but since i sighned all the papers on it i have no way to get my moneyback. when i bought it the only repairs really needed was the carpet and a new water heater. now i need to re-recarpet and buy all new kitchen cabnets and probably hire a carpenter to complete rebuild the built inns they broke. at this rate i probably should just right it off as an expensive lesson and move on into another apartment. honestly i think if i would have taken pictures before hand i could sue and get my money back but as it stands i didn't. so no evidence. why they felt the need to break everything i have no clue.

RE: Just moved into my trailer ... problems

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:35 pm
by NancyKay
Are they a maintenance "COMPANY" or just some guys you had do the work? If they are a company, they should stand by what they did, pictures or no pictures.

RE: Just moved into my trailer ... problems

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:14 pm
by Yanita

If you do not call the company and complain and at least ask someone to come out and check out the damage then you will not know if they will assume responsibility of the damages they created.

Typically folks do not take pictures of their homes prior to having carpet stretched. Any decent company will be able to assess the damage and know if the stretchers caused it.


Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:58 pm
by Greg
By all means, take pictures, then try talking to the dealer and see if they are willing to make any kind of reasonable offer for repair. Remember it is easier to start off with a soft friendy approch rather than to come through the door with a baseball bat in hand. Greg

RE: Just moved into my trailer ... problems

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:37 am
by Wolf mom
Please, in the future have all work done with a written bid first, having everything spelled out.

ie: if paint, the color and brand. carpeting, the color and type. Busisness and the government do it, why can't you?

even if it's the handyman in your park. the little extra time spent will protect you in the future and they'll know you're not a pushover.

Right now, you need to complain - loudly! There should also be a department in your state for mobile home complaints. Don't stand back and be walked over.

Yes, like Greg said, start off with a friendly approach, but have your facts in hand. Knowledge is a powerful tool.

Good luck to you.