EB12B elements

Questions about repairs and parts for Coleman furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps for manufactured homes. Click here for Coleman parts.

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Should the entire coil on each element turn red when in operation? I just replaced my sequencer (bought here with some other items) so I have more heat output from my registers and the output temp is around 123 F (up from 110) but noticed the entire surface on each element is not glowing red hot during operation. Mainly just the left portion of the coil glows on the top element and the bottom element glows on the left and a bit on the right. Just wondered if that is normal.

I attempted to test both elements touching at the element on the left and limit switch on the right and saw approx 46 mV (hubby visually confirmed this reading) with my digital tester which did not make any sense to me since I thought each element should read around 120 V. Maybe I'm not applying the probes to the correct place to test the elements?

If testing the element is something to deal with by purchasing troubleshooting help, let me know and I'll go that route. Maybe I don't have a problem and my heat output is normal and I'm just multi tester challenged. :D
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It is a yes and no answer. They will glow red across, but at same time will turn a dark color at times also.

However, for most part, should be evenly colored pretty much.

Go here :


Element # 3500-412P/A in left column. Click on pic for enlarged view.

The two white insulators blocks at each end with 2 terminals each.

Touch one lead to each top terminals and then do same to bottom.

Should read 240vac with call for heat. Be sure meter is set for testing 240 VAC.

That just means voltage is there, to know if elements are working, need an ammeter to test amp draw.

123* is pretty good though.

Now, that's fairly basic, but if we go any more in depth, then the troubleshooting fee will apply due to amount of these I get per day.

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Thanks. Sounds like my heat is ok. I'll learn more about using the multi meter and do more testing on my elements just to make sure they are working properly. If I need help, I'll contact you through the troubleshooting section and take it from there.

I have enjoyed reading through this forum and appreciate all the time and effort y'all put into it.
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You're very welcome and if you need us, well you now know where we're at.

BTW, you can get a decent Ammeter with digital readout and wrap-around jaws at Lowe's or Home Depot for $80 or so.

On any electrical load, testing for voltage tells if it has opportunity to work with correct voltage applied.

The ammeter tells if it then is actually working to design specs. Look at data label to see what FLA (full load amps) it is rated for.

Take care and best wishes,
Some people are Humbly Grateful, while some are Grumbly Hateful.................... Which one are you ?