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Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:45 am
by bkbunny
Just thought I would drop a line and rejoice with my fellow tin can owners,,, this is all mine :lol: MINE :D MINE... 8) as of the 14th.
I have my handy dandy pen and paper, with all 50 list of things I want to do with the payment money now that I don't have to give it to anyone else!! My youngest son was over last weekend and seen my list, well one of them :lol: he made comment you'd think you won the lottery!! :lol: My reply was when you pay off your home, and see that you have some extra $ every month, you will also feel as if you hit the lottery assured the installments are as if you won the real big one, but, never the less it will seem like monthly installments to me lol

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:36 am
by Greg
Congrats, It IS a great feeling. Now you can really spend money on it. Greg

RE: Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:40 am
by TeresaLynn
Congrats!!! I have around two years left to go before I own mine. I always daydream about what I'll do once it's all mine mine mine too LoL I'd love to be able to put it on a basement, on my own land.. but our County won't allow trailers on land outside of trailer parks.

I have to look into it more, and hopefully find a loophole or something cause 18 grand a year to rent land seems just wrong.

I bet you're sooo excited over owning your own home now! Wish we could throw you a party! :D :D :D :D :D Take a picture of you in front of YOUR home and post it up!

~ Teresa

RE: Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:17 am
by Yanita

LOL, I have known that feeling twice before! It sure does feel good.

But we bought this one with land 2 years ago, wow, 2 years already. Took out a short mortgage so hopefully will cut that in 1/2 and be paid for in 7 years.


RE: Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:13 pm
by Harry

Living free in the Upper Pennisula, MI ... life is good!

We stopped working a few years ago, sold the big house and moved into our fishing shack on mortgage.

It is indeed a good feeling.


RE: Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:42 pm
by bkbunny
This is on a "lot" 300 x 300 so neighbors not *to* close, my son has a "house" next door to me, so I can put up with him lol,,
and trailer next to me, guy selling it on land contract can't seem to get anyone to finish off paying him, they stay a year or two and then forfeit it back to him.
I am starting on my kitchen today, :lol: ripping off molding that i can reach and have strength to get off, and spackling then after Easter dinner next door the boys are coming over to paint and when dry put down new flooring :D

RE: Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:03 am
by Serena

I walk thru my house every day and think, "This is mine. It really is!"

It may not be much in the eyes of the world, but I like it very much.

Here's to owning your own tin can!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:00 pm
by lonestar1947
Going to my Mobile up north is one of my favorite things in this world...,I'm so glad I took the plunge and bought it (7 years ago)!

It's work; the yard needs maintaining, and I'm still restoring..., but it's paid for, and sort of nice to know this is my land and my house (mobile)!

It doesn't seem like work spending time there (working)..., it's like a relaxing work, if that's possible!

RE: Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:13 pm
by Sylvia
Well, we own the cottage next door outright, at least kind of. I took a loan out of my 401k. I figured I could do better with it than let it stay in the market (and boy was I right on that) :roll: Too bad I couldn't have taken out more.

DH just bought another neighbors land. This comes with a dumpy 78 trailer on land that floods but we can move the trailer out of eye view and rent it out. There used to be two dumpy trailers but the town made her get rid of one after the possums took it over.

The doggies will have a much bigger yard as this is the lot that is our back yard line. Our land will stretch from one street to another. And so will our debt :cry:

By the way... I've already been told that just because we have three properties next to one another is no indicator that we can build hotels. It also is an indicator that it will be harder to pass go and collect our two hundred dollars. :wink:

RE: Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:50 am
by bkbunny
lol,,, I don't think there will ever be a chance to pass go and collect that 200 bucks,,,,,,,, can you all guess whose washer took a chit??
So there goes my extra money for next month lol
I had really figured on something breaking never fails,,,lol and i have already ripped up hallway and all trim in kitchen and entry way,,,,,, so now we will see what will break in April lol

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:27 am
by Greg
Like I said, now you can really spend money on it!! Greg

RE: Tin can is all mine now

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:43 am
by dandjbarrett
:lol: Congratulations on your full ownership. The best feeling I ever had in my life was paying off our home and car debt. Of course, now we're spending big time on fixing stuff and adding stuff, but it still feels good to not owe, owe, owe. :)