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DGAT075BDF correct control board ???

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:43 am
by mikea
I checked your parts list for a new control board in case I have to replace it. My control board on my DGAT075BDF is marked 7990-320. Looking at your part list, the 7990-320 does not look like mine. Mine actually looks like the 7990-319 that you show on your parts list. Mine is green with a 3 amp fuse in the upper left.

Should I get the 319 which looks like mine or the 320 which mine does not look like even though mine has 320 stamped on it?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:07 am
by Mark

I doublechecked your parts list, and you need the 7990-320P board. The new board has gone thru a design update, so it may look a bit different than your old board. So stick with the correct board.
