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Hot water heater burst

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:09 pm
by help4MH
Long story. I've been out , taking care of my mom, and when I got home after 5 days, the house was flooded w/ the hot water heater, on the outside of the house, it was rusted out, and I don't know how long it had been running.

I got the heater replaced, called insurance, and there is damage to the linoleum, floor, subfloor, sheetrock, trim outside, cabinet that holds heater, molding, rug, etc.

I meet w/ the adjuster tomorrow, and I have to go back and take care of my mom. I'm asking if there is anything I need to ask this "insurance adjuster for?" And what do I ask? The cabinets got wet, and melted in places, the outside looks like cottage cheese, the linoleum is gone, because the insurance insisted the 'Service Masters" come in and dehumidfy the place and dry it out. The new h20 heater is in the wrong place, but a vent has been put on the door,for the pilot light. What should I tell this insurance guy? I mean what to I ask for? And will he be able to show me the way? Or am I going to have to be the one to track down the people to put the linoleum in, check the subfloor, replace the insulation, replace the sheetrock, replace the "etc"????? HELP. I will look back in about hr. I have to lay down for a min. Anyone, do I ask for reimbursement for the h20 heater, the installlation, paint, molding? ETC????? I want to get as much money to fix the place back to the way it was, but I literally am living at my mom's as she is dying. So I can't be here to do it . So I'm not trying to rip insurance off , I just never had this happen, and I know I won't be able to get it all done in 4 days, before I go back. IF anyone's worked w/ a busted old h20 heater while gone on vacation, and had to deal w/ insurance, or deal w/ fixing it myself, let me know, please. Thanks .....
Barbara :cry:

RE: Hot water heater burst

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:54 pm
by Dirty White Boy
I deal with adjusters everyday at my job...

What kind of insurance do you have? The adjuster should have a team like the one I work for go over and take care of the waterloss. This will include pulling up anything that is wet (floors, walls, carpet, cabinets & furniture. They will set up drying equipment and dehumidifiers, then spray an anti-fungal spray. After a few days until dry he will send over another crew to do the rebuilding. They can be a great asset....the problem is they work for the insurance company, and are out to protect their money.

You may have a problem if the water tank was showing signs of age already, they may say it could have been avoided. They may also be upset if you already got rid of the tank or did your own repairs. They will inventory everything that needs to be replaced or fixed and make sure it gets fixed, depending on your claim and deductible.

In the long run, be his shadow. Make sure he doesn't miss a single thing.

Also if everything goes accordingly and he does send a crew out, have cold bottled water or hot coffee ready for them. Stay out of the crews way, we know what has to be done. They will greatly appreciate it and you will end up happier in the end.

Good luck with everything...

RE: Hot water heater burst

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:06 pm
by help4MH
Thank you for getting back to me.
I'm a nervous wreck!!! This has been a VERY bad yr. Anyway, I was told by "Service Masters" the 'drying out people" that the "Adjuster" will come out, look things over and try to cut me a check. And then I have to do all the legwork. I have to hire the contractor & subcontractors. I don't have time for it. My mom is literally dying, and needs total care, and I have to be w/ her. But this is my only home. I tell that to my "siblings" who all live here, but they are wealthy, and they say 'it's just a trailer' why do you care?

So, if it goes as you are saying, that'd be nice. That way I can have them in, get it fixed and out. But the "dehumidier " guy, Fred, said "I know John the adjuster and he usually walks around , assesses what needs to be done, and then cuts a check. It'll take awhile to get the check. The only thing he will do is tell you what Co. to go w/ for the linoleum, the rest is up to you. " My insurance Co. is Foremost. I think most are, unless you live elsewhere. I don't want to tick them off, but I want to get as much $ for the repairs, i.e. I just noticed, and I've been looking for over12 days since this happened, that the "fake cabinet" above the washer got soaked on the inside. I didn't notice because it's high and the h2o must have come slowly thru the sheetrock and dripped onto the washer. There are so many 'little things" and then the insulation, vapor barrier, it had to be cut open, and gallons of h20 came out of there. And again this Fred,"Service Master guy, said "you'll have to go thru the yellow pages and get someone who is good at that yourself. I just repaired all my vapor barrier this last Sept. I know, I write allot. Sorry. I'm having a crisis in my mind.

I've got a list of things I see, and things like electrical outlets I don't see, for him to check. Hopefully I can follow him around w/o getting in his way. I don't know if the Foremost Ins. agents will give me a contractor to work w/. I've heard not, but this is just neighbor to neighbor and Service Masters guy. They already dried everything out, and tomorrow I meet w/ the adjuster. So I just want it , my MH, back to the way it was. I doubt it'll happen, but I am hoping. and I'm hoping the adjuster will pick good people to do the work. Thank you for your input. Every little bit helps me.

When I called Foremost, I told them the hot h20 heater was draining like a sive, and they told me to get it replaced asap. So I did. I had saved the old h20 heater, but when I went to take care of my mom again, the h20 heater was gone when I got back. I'm sure a nice nieghbor knew I couldn't lift it, and was helping me out and hauled it to the dump? Or whereever water heaters go. So there is no h20 heater for them to look at , but they were the ones who told me to put a new one in. Hopefully it'll work out. Thanks for your knowlegde and reply. I really appreciate it.