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no air

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:45 am
by mbnlp69hilton
i have a 69 Hilton and I've been having a problems with there not getting any heat in the front of the trailer(living room and kitchen)
the lay out is like this. front of the house is the kitchen then living room ,the a bed room then another room the furnace bathroom and MB the heat kick really hard in the 4 back room but very very faint in the other rooms. i took out the cage and cleaned it and still nothing can you help? thanks mark

RE: no air

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:54 am
by Yanita

I am going to move this thread to the Heating and Cooling forums (HVAC).

Please read the "Posting Tips) on the main page of that forum and include the information needed so the tech can help you.
