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How could someone live in a MH like this?!?!?!

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 9:11 pm
by Kyle
Sorry I wasn't ablt to get a picture BUT, my dad and me were driving in the country when we saw a MH with a car in front of it, we could tell some one was living in it, it looked old. There was only one thing, it was on the side of a hill and slanting dangerously!! There was no skirting and I could see the cinderblocks that were holding it up could someone live in a place like that? Can it not just roll down the hill?!?!?! :shock:

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:16 am
by Mark
That would be worth a return drive just to get a picture. Maybe it has strong anchors, eh! After the next big storm, I'd definitely do a drive-by! LOL.


RE: How could someone live in a MH like this?!?!?!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:13 am
by Yanita
Hi Kyle,

Would really like to see a pic...

I am going to move this to the OFF TOPIC forum. Please use the repair forum for Repair questions.

Thanks, and look forward to your future contributions.


Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:43 pm
by Kyle
Sorry, I cant post a picture.....we are stuck in the 90's and don't have a digital camera...... :lol:

RE: How could someone live in a MH like this?!?!?!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:39 am
by oldfart
Hmmmm....Kyle...find ye a seat alongside me and give me a bit of time to light up this ole cobb-pipe of mine and let me share a few thoughts wi' ye. I'm going to assume that since ya said yer riding around with yer Dad that yer just a young'un and mebbe life hasn't caught up with you just yet. Now don't think I'm provoking you ner making fun...I ain't. Fact is I just wonder how many times folks drove by my shabby ole home and wondered just the same thing as you did... "How could anyone live in such an old trailer??" As they drove by they seen junk tossed out in the front yard...that old washing machine, paneling, flooring, cabinets and a lifetime of junk. Some time later they might have seen me standin' by the burn-pile with a beer in my hand..watching it all go up in flames. Most likely they wondered...."Whatinell is that old coot doing?" Kyle..they didn't see 25yrs. of marriage go up in flames in 2005. Nor did they see me filing bankrupcy back in 2004 and gammahoochin' my credit for the next 7 years. They missed my Mom arriving D.O.A. at the Clearfield Hospital..and her 2005. They missed my fathers death in 2006. Kyle..all they seen was an old man and a shabby old trailer. Life is much more than that. They didn't see me working 16hr. days/7days a week to remodel my old home. They didn't see the sweat and toil I put in hanging drywall, doing plumbing, electrical work and all the other crap. Alone. Kyle..what I'm saying isn't always perfect and neither are our homes. My home..and a work in progress. That pile of sawdust in the living-room..those feral cats dangeling off my roof like so many gargoyles? It's a work in progress. Audie..the Oldfart....

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:57 pm
by Kyle
oldfart wrote:Hmmmm....Kyle...find ye a seat alongside me and give me a bit of time to light up this ole cobb-pipe of mine and let me share a few thoughts wi' ye. I'm going to assume that since ya said yer riding around with yer Dad that yer just a young'un and mebbe life hasn't caught up with you just yet. Now don't think I'm provoking you ner making fun...I ain't. Fact is I just wonder how many times folks drove by my shabby ole home and wondered just the same thing as you did... "How could anyone live in such an old trailer??" As they drove by they seen junk tossed out in the front yard...that old washing machine, paneling, flooring, cabinets and a lifetime of junk. Some time later they might have seen me standin' by the burn-pile with a beer in my hand..watching it all go up in flames. Most likely they wondered...."Whatinell is that old coot doing?" Kyle..they didn't see 25yrs. of marriage go up in flames in 2005. Nor did they see me filing bankrupcy back in 2004 and gammahoochin' my credit for the next 7 years. They missed my Mom arriving D.O.A. at the Clearfield Hospital..and her 2005. They missed my fathers death in 2006. Kyle..all they seen was an old man and a shabby old trailer. Life is much more than that. They didn't see me working 16hr. days/7days a week to remodel my old home. They didn't see the sweat and toil I put in hanging drywall, doing plumbing, electrical work and all the other crap. Alone. Kyle..what I'm saying isn't always perfect and neither are our homes. My home..and a work in progress. That pile of sawdust in the living-room..those feral cats dangeling off my roof like so many gargoyles? It's a work in progress. Audie..the Oldfart....
All I was saying is that I would be OUT of that MH with it leaning like that just because I wouldn't want to roll down the hill

RE: How could someone live in a MH like this?!?!?!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:21 am
by oldfart
Aye son...I understand. And I wasn't "bustin' your chops." In retro-spect it sounds like it probably was a dangerous and unsettling place to reside and you are probably correct. If my point was missed, it is that perhaps the tenent had no choice in the matter and if time permits they would work to correct the problem. And yes..some choose to live this way. I offer up no apoligy for those folks. But should you drive by and see someone in need take the time and offer up a helping hand. This is not charity son..this is a helping hand. Somewhere I read a verse that stated "Blessed are they that have helped strangers... for they have beheld angels!" Kind'a makes ye think now don't it? 'Nuff of my preachin'. Audie..the Oldfart...

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:58 am
by mokehillannie
oldfart, He's 13, for gods sake!

A VERY sharp kid for his age.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:01 pm
by Greg
I think what Audie is saying is that we ALL have stories of our life, and we all have priorities in life. one person's may not be the same as another.
Yes Kyle is very sharp for his age. Greg

RE: How could someone live in a MH like this?!?!?!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:32 am
by lonestar1947
Yikes! I wonder what people thought of my 1955 8'x45' Trailer; it was a mess while I was restoring it! 4 coats of paint over a beautiful alumimum, each layer peeling a different color!

I did donate the junked car to a local scrap dealer who looked like he could use some free metal.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:42 am
by Demolition
Dont have a Digital Camera... Just go to Wal Mart and get a Disposable Camera.
After taking your photos, take the camera back to Wal Mart and have them put it on
CD ROM. It only cost me $2.97 last week. Then you can copy the photos from CD to your computer and then upload when ready.

The pics are about 1500 x 1000 pixles so I usually edit or crop or shrink them as needed. Save it as a JPEG so it is a smaller file and easier to upload. I am stuck in the 90s and am on Dial up.

If they have it... get the disposable camera with High Speed Film. It dont blur as bad.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:08 am
by Kyle
Thanks!!! Good idea. We are on dial-up too :roll: We cant get it because we live 100 yds. from the city limits :lol: