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All is good in Northern B.C.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:04 am
by kashton
I haven't been on for a long time. I'm still in my trailer, and plan on being here for another year. Was going to move back to Alberta, but decided I belong in the mountains. My kids are happiest here, and I don't think I could be without nature and my friends around me.

Nothing got done over the winter, since I'm doing 95% of the work myself. Two more windows to put in, and the roof is on. Then I can get back to the siding.

Just wanted to say "Hi" to the gang on Mobile home repair, and that I'm back. Can't do the renos without my daily dose of all of you!!!

P.S. Troyster is still my neighbor, and still likes to make me crazy!!

RE: All is good in Northern B.C.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:26 pm
by Yanita
Hey Kashton,

Great to hear from you. I have thought about you from time to time wondering if you would return.

If I remember correctly the last we heard was you got a new boyfriend and was moving into a house, LOL, figured that was why we lost you!

Say hey to Troyster for us and tell him to stop being a stranger as well!

Take care!


RE: All is good in Northern B.C.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:33 am
by JD
Hi Kelley,

Long time no see. Don't be such a stranger, OK? Did you get in on the Spring run of salmon?


RE: All is good in Northern B.C.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:09 am
by kashton
Well, still have the boyfriend. We won't move in together until next year. I have been helping him do his renos. We will order cabinets for the kitchen soon.

I haven't been out fishin yet this year. Everything is so far behind(Spring). We just got our leaves on the trees. Caterpillars are just starting. They should have been infesting by Mothers day! But, of course, there weren't any leaves. I don't know anyone who has been out fishin yet! I'll have to pull the tackle box out, and see what I need.

I can't wait for the rain to stop, so I can get back to work on this place. I should set up the screen house so I can put the saw outside.

Ok, enough dragging this on. I have allot of reading to do to catch up on every ones work!