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Electric or Gas Stove

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:15 pm
by bell30655
The natural gas stove that was in this trailer when I moved in appeared to still have the first hamburger ever cooked on it 21 years before still stuck down in it. It was N-A-S-T-Y. So out to the street it went to be picked up by the trash folks.

Now comes the tough question. I have a top of the line electric stove in my house that does not have to remain in the house at sale. I had planned to visit craiglist to make a few buck on it but now I have to decide:

(1) Hire someone to install an electric outlet (breaker box is a 100 amp, no problem there)
(2) Buy a new natural gas stove/oven
(3) Do some internet research, crawl under the trailer, run a nice big wire, install a breaker, install and outlet...

Such choices. Which would be my best angle? Is gas that much better to cook with? I've never had a gas stove.

RE: Electric or Gas Stove

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:38 pm
by Harry


I went 100% electric and glad I did.



Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:59 pm
by Greg
Personally I rather a gas stove, but that is my preference. If you have power outage problems than gas is the way to go. Greg

RE: Electric or Gas Stove

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:27 am
by Harry

LOL ...When we have a power outage the cook gets a holiday and I Bar-B-Que.


RE: Electric or Gas Stove

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:10 am
by oldfart
Well Bell I'll post my 2 cents worth here. Me..I like gas stoves. Infinately adjustable heat on the range top. The elec. range tops have too little choices. Either too high or too low for what I'm doing. Mebbe the newer models are better. I haven't had an elec. stove in 30yrs. And as was mentioned..if the power goes out..I can still cook and warm at least the kitchen! The downside of gas is spiraling costs. Gas/Propane prices have tripled in the past few years and they're gonna go even higher. Elec. is puddy stable right now but that could change if somebody in Saudi Arabia breaks wind and decides to gig us with an increase. Also, consider carefuly the cost of hiring a qualified electrician to do the work. If you need an elec. upgrade to gitter're talking $1000 min. for a new panel&upgrade plus wiring, breakers..etc. etc. JMHO of course. Audie..the frugal Oldfart...

RE: Electric or Gas Stove

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:33 am
by bell30655
Well, I surfed the internet, a few articles and decided that I wanted to keep my electric stove. I have a top of the line GE, glass cooktop model and I would have missed it.

I called a few highly skilled electricians and they were all wanting to be highly paid. The breaker box is a 100 amp so the panel didn't need upgraded.

The local electrical supply had quite a few ideas for me. I purchased $45 worth of supplies and went to work. I installed the plug without difficulty... the breaker slipped right into a slot... The hardest part was getting that 21 feet of wire from the one side of the trailer to the other without crawling under with the spiders, snakes and whatnot.

The stove/oven work perfectly. Most importantly, I did it myself.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:18 pm
by mokehillannie
Way to go!!!