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Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:56 am
by Harry

Yanita mentioned gasoline.

The news this week said it would cost $7 to $8 within 2 years.

My daughter in Australia says it is almost $8 there now.

It was high when I lived in Germany and that was 40 years ago.

We have 2 trucks and a 1999 Hyundai. The Hyundai gets 30 MPG. I'm keeping it till the fenders fall off.

Any solutions out there??


RE: Gasoline

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:29 am
by Yanita
Hi Harry,

As of the past few days our gas prices are increasing as much as 2 cents a gallon per day! Of course we live close to Atlantic Beach, pretty much got to travel thru here to get there.

Hubby and I are seriously thinking about ways to reduce our energy bills, yeah we have installed new doors, windows and all that sort of thing. But I am talking about other ways, like maybe doing something solar with the water heater and come up with other ways to reduce the electric bill.

LOL, Hubby mentioned this morning about throwing a bunch of chickens/hens in the back yard so we can have fresh eggs cheaper...BUT, what would it really cost to feed these things...

I do know the Monte Carlo sets in the yard more than it ever did, now, it does get great gas mileage, not the same as hybrids mind you, but still good. BUT, it does not change the fact that it cost me $42.08 to fill up...hold on, my fill ups are from 1/2 a tank to full, I never let the car get below a 1/2 tank!

The domino effect is starting to be felt in my business...residential cleaning is a luxury expense for most, and generally one of the first services to be cancelled when financial hard times set in. Two weeks ago I did nine estimates and got 7 of the jobs, but, this week I lost 3 long time customers due to the fact they need to trim their budgets...

For you folks that heat with anything other than electric if your fuel companies offer the pre pay budget plan you really ought to consider signing up now. For us this is a huge savings in propane per gallon. We are already locked in, so our price can not go up...we reconciled our plan in the middle of May (either you owe or you have credit), thankfully we had $684.19 in credit! We have a full tank already.

If you have overlooked getting your furnace/AC unit serviced I do recommend that you find it in the budget and get it done, keep these units running at there best efficiency. We do have articles on DIY for this. Change those filters regularly as well.

Hope everyone has a great and safe holiday weekend!


Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:55 am
by Greg
Only 2cents a day?? here in NY they only work with nickles, we jumped 10 cents in 3 days.
I have to laugh with Hybrids, you save at the pump, but you end up paying double for any repair. Plus since they are new the only people that can work on them is a dealer. Greg

RE: Gasoline

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:40 am
by Yanita
Thanks for that info Greg!

My hubby keeps saying maybe we should look into a hybrid. great concept I won't deny...BUT, yesterday I saw a Prius that got a side impact from a pick up truck...without being real descriptive I will say I am glad I was not in the car.

Have talked to a few dealers and owners of various you said, repairs are horrendous. LOL, in my area it's hard to find a decent mechanic for a regular engine, never mind needing one that needs to understand or be able to be an electrician, computer wiz and a mechanic all at the same time.

I doubt gas prices will ever be reasonable again, but I am not jumping on the "new" right now. America has always had the cheaper prices, it's our turn to suck it up...

It has impacted our travel plans though, had considered going to Vermont again this summer and we are going to Florida in September. Well the Vermont trip has been cancelled, but we will go to Florida, our daughter is going to be bringing our first grandson into the world! Will have to go and meet him!


RE: Gasoline

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:29 am
by JD
The gas in Fresno ranges from 3.96 at Costco to 4.35 at snob locations, so we are talking $80 to fill a Toyota PU. When I first started driving I was paying 30 cents a gallon. LOL, I used to put a quarter's worth of gas in my Fiat Spider to get to my high school and back, 20 miles.

I am sure hybrids and alternative fuels are the future, but right now it costs big time to be green in a car. Hybrid technology adds 10K to a car price and like Greg and Yanita says, higher maintenance costs, especially when it is time to replace batteries. That kind of money will be a lot of gas. For those that drive the hybrids to help the environment, Thank you.

There is an electric car dealer here in Fresno that sell's the Zap Zebras and such. I am considering get one of these. The cars and trucks cost $10K to $15K to buy and about 2 cents a mile to operate. You can also take advantage of a lot of green incentives like free recharging from the city, free parking, and tax write offs. I think putting my business sign on the side would get a lot of looks, even though some may be laughing. Still advertising, right? They also make ATV's, scooters, boat motors and other stuff. 4hp boat motor for $2500 is pretty reasonable, and no gas and no noise.



RE: Gasoline

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:15 pm
by Greg
There is a column in today's paper addressing the costs of Hybrid ownership. There was a person that turned a corner and could not get the wheels straight. Sensors & steering went out to lunch, $2000 later.....
I think it will become more mainstream in a few years, but until then I plan on staying clear.
I personally wish that the small diesels would get EPA certified for production again. The old VW Rabbit pick ups ran 45-50 MPG. Greg

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:44 pm
by mokehillannie
We used to own a GEO Metro and got over 40 mpg with mountain driving. We got over 50 on the highway. I loved that little car!!

I ran a red light and was hit by a truck. No injuries, but the little car was totaled. I sure wish we still had it.

RE: Gasoline

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:22 pm
by Harry
Hi annie

After Hurricane Andrew trashed our vehicles I rented a GEO Metro.

I liked it fine but once we got our insurance money we bought gas hogs.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to buy one of those Nanos they make in India. The price is $2,500.00. Worlds cheapest car. ... d=17984516


Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 6:53 pm
by Greg
Harry, better buy more than one, you will need a parts supply. There are still a few yugos around!! Greg

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:18 am
by mokehillannie
It's a cute little car, but it CAN'T be very comfortable.

I bet it rides really rough.

We are now driving a 1998 Chevrolet Tracker. It gets about 30 mgp, but the ride is rough and the air conditioner doesn't work all that good, but the price was right. We gave only $2,900 for it at an auction about 5 or 6 years ago.

It's about time to buy another car. I really want a Chevy HHR. I think they are real cute. They get about 30 mpg and the ride is great.

But, I hate to spend the money right now. We have so much to do on the mobile home we got last year. We haven't gotten too much done to it since we got it. We've stripped all the dark paneling off the inside. Now we have to find an electrician to redo all the electric. It has aluminum wiring and that has to be gone before we do anything else.

We went to Alaska before the place closed escrow then when we got back, we started a job 4 hours from the house. We only had a couple of months to work on it last winter.

Oh well------- we aren't in any hurry.

RE: Gasoline

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:27 am
by Harry
Hey Greg

You're right. We better go with plan "B".



Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:38 am
by Serena
Harry, that's a great looking vehicle! It's on my list for future transportation possibilities.

RE: Gasoline

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 10:12 am
by bell30655
I parked my 1994 Full Sized Econoline Conversion Van and started driving a 1994 Geo Tracker 2-door convertible that I bought for $600. I was very surprised to find that the A/C works!

I doubt I'll use the air much as I like the top open.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 10:15 pm
by mokehillannie
I bit the bullet and bought an HHR today. Its a really cute car. I've been wanting one since they came out.

I think Harry has the right idea, though. I'd get one of those add on motors for it. They had them at Quartzsite this year. I don't think they cost all that much. It sure would save on the gas.

You could add a seat to the back basket and then you could take a friend.