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Weak air flow out of registers

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 2:07 pm
by joubert704
I am having a problem with the air flow coming out of the registers on one half of the house. It's all my fault! My tub overflowed about two months ago. I forgot it on when I got distracted with my baby. The water ran right into my vent for about 2 minutes. Now the side of the house opposite my bathtub has a very weak trickle of air coming out the vents. The further away from the bathtub the less the air coming out. The air flow on the other side of the house is fine. What kind of damage might I have done? Is there still water in my ducts blocking the air flow or did one of my connecting ducts come detached? It's hard to see anything under the house because of the black plastic. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks

RE: Weak air flow out of registers

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:30 am
by Robert

Look for plastic flex duct hanging down below underbelly that runs from one half of home to the other half.

That's your crossover duct, it probably came loose or kinked due to water.
