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first time here......could use some help

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:30 am
by poohbearmom3
wanting to know if anyone has a good, cheap, safe way to get rid of RATS from under a manufactured/mobile home

they are pretty big one's, we think they are "norway" rats.......

we found one dead next to our house and then saw 3 more under neath it

they are all at least 3-5 pounds and not sure if any are in the underbelly or anything

put down lots of moth balls and really haven't seen them anymore but...........

are worried as we have a family dog and also 3 children, that play in the area we saw them....also it is right outside our shed area, so we are always in and out of the area

if anyone has a quick fix or other tips we'd love some advice....

our park claims it's not their problem so won't help inquire anything to help or the costs we'll have to have to get rid of them

we are a lower income family at most times, and right now with the way the economy's even worse (as we know it is for everyone)

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help out

RE: first time here......could use some help

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:43 am
by lefties
ratzaps work well and are safer than traps or poisens

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:17 pm
by poohbearmom3

RE: first time here......could use some help

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:12 pm
by Serena

I just wrote "ratzap" on a Google search and found them.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:18 pm
by lefties
ratzappers are an electronic rodent killer,,very safe runs on batteries. They only kill small rodents like mice,,rats,,scuriads(squirrels chippies etc) you bait them like a trap and when the light is flashing you have a dead critter. You dont have to see it or touch it,,just tip it up into a garbage bag and turn it back on. We use them in our business.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 7:17 pm
by lefties
yup-ratzaps work well-people really like them.

RE: first time here......could use some help

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:32 pm
by Yanita

I do not know anything about the ratzaps, but no critter will hang around if it does not have a food source.

Make sure that all your trash is in a tightly sealed container. If you keep birdseed, pet dishes etc on the deck/porch area then that will encourage rodents as well.

3 to 5 pounds is a huge rat...think I would get some traps (live) and bait them and then haul them off...a reallll long ways away!

Make sure that your skirting is tight and secure all the way around the home.

If they are under your home you could have much bigger problems. They will get into your underbelly and nest they have lots of babies at each delivery.

DO NOT under any circumstances use a poison on these things. The will ingest it and go into your underbelly and die. The smell will be horrendous and the cost alot for trying to find them.

Good luck,
