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Hot Tip! How to save some money!!!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:47 am
by oldfart
Well now folks I wish I could take all the credit for this hot tip..but I can't. I will take credit for the second part of the tip! Okey-dokey...let me see if I can post this correctly. Here in the Pa./Md./Va./ W.Va. area we have Giant/Giant Eagle/Martins grocery stores. Now, many of these stores have gas-pumps in the parking lot (yes Walmart does also) AND...for every dollar you spend in the store you get a "credit" that saves you money when you buy gasoline. Following me so far? You get so much off for every gallon of gas you buy with these credits. O.K. Now here's how to make good use of that option. These stores also sell them little "gift/credit cards" for Lowes/ Home Depot/Sears/etc. etc. etc. I'm gonn'a show ya'll how to save some money. The next time you're figgerin' to go to Lowes/Home Depot etc. go to the grocery store FIRST..and buy the amount you intend to spend at Lowes/H.D. etc. in them gift-credit cards. Thinking of buyin' a new $1000 fridge? Go to the grocery store and buy $1000 worth of them cards. (that'd be 10 of the $100 cards..) You just got $1000 worth of purchase points good for cash off your gasoline!! Puddy!'s how to save even more. Use your Discover Card or any credit card that gives you money back at the end of the year. I think Discover Card gives ya 2% back on all your purchases at the end of the year. You just earned a bunch'a points and bought gas cheap (?) and yer gittin' 2% back when ya buy the new fridge! Well, ya'll let me know if this don't make sense and I'll try it again. YHMS...Audie the penny-pincher....