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Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:00 pm
by loveoldtrux
I don't like the idea of a 22 year old electric water heater tank sitting in the middle of my home on top of floors made of pressed sawdust - you know what will happen when someday it lets loose and I come home from work 13 hours later to see the entire floor of the home ruined ......

My intentions / ideas (since I plan to STAY here...) are to re-locate the tank to a structure outside the home in it's own insulated closet mounted on a concrete base. I would lengthen the water lines and electrical to the "closet" outside. This way I can install a newer / larger tank AND sleep well knowing if it ever leaks in the future it will be OUTside...

Any ideas yea or nay about this?

RE: Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:41 pm
by Harry

Years ago I bought a mobile home that had the electric water heater in a small storage shed which sat on a concrete pad. Who ever moved it did a real neat worked really well. This was in Maryland. The water heater had one of those insulated sacks over it.

By the way I've never had a water heater last 22 years.


RE: Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:47 pm
by loveoldtrux
Thanks Harry.... I was thinking of a small "closet" insulated and paneled / painted like the rest of the home sitting just outside the bathroom wall behind our privacy fence. If yours was in a shed I guess I can do mine this way....

Yup - that thing is 22 years old this August... you KNOW the thing is going to pop any moment!! I'd best tackle it before it ruins everything... I can see it bursting at one of the seams and the water pump continuing to pump water into the house until I get home... and the poor cat locked inside the house, too!!!

I'll get right to work on some plans...

RE: Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:51 pm
by Harry
Good luck... work safe and by the "code"...of course.


RE: Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:44 pm
by brucetrout
Hey Oldtrux
Not wanting to be a wisea_ _ but I do believe if my WH was 22 years old I would definately dig up the cash to replace it whether inside or out. Mine is electric and inside the master bedroom closet (in a closet of its own)off to the side. If it ever did leak I think the damage would be minimal. By the way-its only three years old. One of the few perks when I bought this joint. However if I ever do replace it in my time I would probally do what you are considering.

RE: Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:47 pm
by Maureen
Hi Guys,

Placing the water heater outside the home has it's pros and cons!

We have an older mobile. The water heater is located in a outside closet. Still part of the home though! We use gas for our water heater, and I have to say that feel much safer having it out there!

We had our old water heater die after 12 years, this last January. The water ran for a good 5 hours. It went late at night. We were very lucky! All water drained under the tank, since it's a gas mobile home approved water heater!

Keep in mind that all appliances have a life span! When they get beyond their life span, you have to keep an eye on them!

I'm all for keep the water heater away from the inside of the home, but replacing it and doing maintenance on it might be just as cost efficient!

Maureen 8)

RE: Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:01 am
by Harry

Good point Maureen. I feel the life expectancy of a water heater is 10-15 years.


RE: Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:14 am
by Yanita
Hi All,

Don't forget that Mark sells the water sensors in the books/parts link above. Great for the water heater areas and under the sink!

These days when the prices are going up and the quality is going down it's nice to have a little added security.

Have a great day!


RE: Would Like To Move Water Heater Tank Outside of Home

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:10 pm
by Maureen
Excellent point Yanita!

The water sensors can go a long way these days!

I was shocked to see that the old water heater, only had a 5 year warranty on it! I know when it was installed, because my neighbor helped install it!

We went for the best we could afford and fit into that tiny closet outside!

Maureen 8)