Do you blog?

Whether it's NASCAR or your family vacation, talk about anything here!

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A couple years ago when we installed this forum program, we also installed blog software. Until lately I never paid much attention to it. But the last couple months, blogging has peaked my interest.

Myself, I am new to blogging and I'm still trying to understand it. I have discovered that there seems to be a whole 'underworld' to blogging!

So what is blogging? Blogging can mean different things to different sites. When I blog on this site, I like to talk about my thoughts and opinions, and give some behind-the-scenes insite to my businesses and personal life. By clicking on the 'blogs' link towards the top of the page, you can read mine or anyone else's blog.

Personally I enjoy reading the same type of blogs from others and encourage you to register and start your own blog (it's free). Just click on 'My Blog' at the top.

When blogging on this website, here's a couple tips for setting up your blog. First, disable the shout box. Second, change the settings so everyone (including guests) can read your blog. Third, change the settings so only registered users can post comments to your blog.

You can subscribe to blogs via the RSS feed at the bottom right of the home page. Basically this means that when a blog is updated, the update is sent to your browser. I'll have to look to see if there's a way to subscribe via e-mail to various blogs. You can also trackback (which I'm still learning what that means! LOL.)

So check out my blog. And I hope to see other blogs with regular weekly (or more often) updates! I try to update once a week, sometimes more often. Some of you would be awesome awesome bloggers. No doubt about that (and you know who you are! LOL).

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Hi Mark

I don't see "MY BLOG" at the top. ???

Aside from the roof leak, soft floors, rats, mice and bursted plumbing ........ how do you like it?
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Hi Harry,

I was there until we got hacked! At this time all blogs have been deleted, to my knowledge. Hopefully Mark will post about the profiles and photo albums as well.

The difference between success and failure is who gives up first!
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