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clogged ducts..what to do??

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:11 am
by limeylass
:( :(
I have a 2000 doublewide that the prior owners sabotaged ( bank repo)
The floor vents are completely clogged with garbage. My initial thought was to replace the system but that would mean replacing insulation which is in decent shape. Costly.
Before going that route we wondered whether we can pull as much of this garbage out and have the ducts cleaned professionally. Can you do that in mobile homes?
Any help is appreciated.

RE: clogged ducts..what to do??

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:59 pm
by Robert

Yes you can remove the garbage.

Yes you can have the ductwork cleaned. However and it is a big however, finding a company trained in MH duct cleaning who will not destroy the ductwork is very difficult.

That's why I do not advise it. The ducting is small and thin and flimsy and often is not totally sealed.

That can bring forth a nightmare if cleaned incorrectly or carelessly.

Thanks for inquiring,

RE: clogged ducts..what to do??

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:17 pm
by limeylass
thanks so much for your prompt response.
Are you thinking we should be able to pull out enough garbage for it to work? I have no idea how deep the ducts go or where they go...any thoughts on how to clear them and what to use apart from hands and very thick gloves.
Last question on this I promise!
limeylass :roll:

RE: clogged ducts..what to do??

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:36 pm
by Robert

How long have you lived there ? This should really fall back on the foreclosing bank to have found and resolved this.

If sold to you in this condition, that is unlawful.

Most DW's are two main trunklines down center of each half.

You then have collars up from trunks to the registers.

You also have one or two cross-over flex ducts down below the underbelly from one half to the other.

You can reach down inside the duct by removing a register grille.

Clean out as much as possible and use a light and mirror to look each way down inside duct.

Using light and mirror will allow you to see how much they put in there.

Use gloves and masks appropriate for that.

Are ALL registers packed full ?

Sorry this happened and people trying to get revenge can't see the ones hurt are always the next owners.

Take care and best wishes,