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Why would he say that?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:00 pm
by flcruising
Here's the original thread, it definitely rubbed me the wrong way.
trying to refute statements made here by site moderators and/or admins will not be tolerated.
Is it me, or he saying that once a site moderator has made a statement, you better not chime in with something different?

I'm sorry, but that has got to be the most dictative statements I've ever read from a forum moderator anywhere. (This isn't the only one I'm apart of)

It probably shouldn't bother me, but it did. And since he locked it, I can't say anything else in response. I know I don't have to defend myself, but what is a forum for but sharing knowledge, which seems to me he stopped when it was something other than what he said? I don't get it!

RE: Why would he say that?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:08 pm
by Yanita
Hi Aaron,

No, the policy here is not once a moderator speaks what another has to say does not matter.

I think , (and choose not to speak on behalf of another mod) that his purpose for locking the thread was each time someone posted either him or I that tarps and belly material are 2 different products you seemed rather insistent that they are not.

So instead of going back and forth on what is or isn't he has given the original poster the choice to make their own decision as to which product to choose.


RE: Why would he say that?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:27 pm
by Robert
What the problem is that you want to continue to counter what we have stated to the point of becoming argumentative, just as you are doing now.

3 different mods/admins stated same thing backed by years of experience either in the field or here or as homeowners or a combo of those.

Those were not opinions but facts. This site has been here a long time and gives sound advice.

You do not have to agree, but you will not be allowed to continue to try and override the advice given.

Once I locked that thread, you have went to other threads and continue to make same statements to others.

When info is given that is 360* opposite of the thoughts of this website after being told this, those posts will be deleted.

This site is not just homeowners, but has alot of experienced people here who have shared thoughts and ideas from work in the field.

Over the years, approx. 10, that this site has been here, it has developed certain trends in answers to certain questions.

We allow posts to remain that are different IF they are not damaging or harmful after we post ours.

The homeowner can choose.

IF you go back and look, you'll see that was the case UNTIL you decided that you would challenge our answer.

The thread was not locked or anything said with your statements until you chose to say we/I was wrong.

Now, you want to continue it here.

This will not continue, any attempt to continue will lead to deletion or worse.

Take care and best wishes,

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:15 pm
by Greg
I think I speak for all of us in that If someone want to ADD their opinion to a thread that is fine, but to try to force their OPINION on others will not be tolerated. Plain & simple, end of discussion. Greg

RE: Why would he say that?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:49 pm
by JD
I guess it is my turn... Dude! Why didn't you write Robert or another moderator personally with this issue? I have followed many of your posts and I feel you do have some sound experience in repairs. But as best I know, mobile home underbelly is made to be pest resistant. I got this information from Fleetwood factory reps many years ago. But I did not feel strongly enough in someone else's information (might be puffing) to repeat their statement. With a quick search, I found the following statement from Foremost Insurance,

"On top of the chassis rests a piece of black fiberboard, fiberglass cloth or heavy tarpaper called the underbelly. The underbelly protects the home from moisture, animals and insects, and helps insulate the subfloor."

To dispute a professional like Robert, you would need some type of factual evidence to support your claim, not just make conflicting statements.

While we want a blending of different ideas and opinions, we do not want argumentative posts. You are welcome to post your opinion, but not demand that you are correct. The moderators of this forum, along with the well mannered members (including yourself) help to make this forum pleasant, informative and polite. I also use other forums. But they are nothing like this one. I use Plexi Palace at to learn about modifications and settings for guitar use. But, it should be R rated. Outright forum fights and expletives are in almost every thread. I just hope to get the info I need before things get out of hand. It is the moderators that set the boundaries in any forum.

I hope you understand our position and continue to participate in our forum.


Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:40 am
by Jim from Canada
Only my 2 cents, but I think that flrusing's underbelly material LOOKS like housewrap and that caused some confusion. Not taking sides, but I think there was a communication issue more than anything. I have been here for many years and the mods and members have all been great! Occasionally an issue arises, hopefully they are not taken personally. I don't think anyone here has the intent to undermine or insult anyone.


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:29 pm
by Demolition
At the Carpet Store I was a floating Helper. I quickly learned that every installer has their own way of doing things.

The moral of the story... whoever you are working with that day... that is how you do it.

I did not argue because the installers knew how little I got paid... so they usually bought me lunch.

RE: Why would he say that?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:46 pm
by Yanita
OK, I am going to lock this thread.

A few statements made leave me to believe that this will not be a positive thread.

Should anyone have any further comments please send your comments/complaints to the one that you have the grievance/complaint with or to Mark Bower.

Any further post or new threads about this will be promptly deleted. Continuation of this can/will result in the suspension or deletion of your membership with mobile home

Since the inception of this site it has always tried to respect others opinions and we expect the same. This is a friendly site and shall remain that way.

Enough said....

