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Blocking texting spam on your cell phone

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:40 pm
by Serena
Ran across this and thought I'd pass it along. ... hone-spam/

I can't stand text messages of any sort and had them all blocked on my cell phone

Hope this is useful to someone.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:25 pm
by Mark
That's good info, but texting is becoming a huge source of quick info.

For instance, a local radio station has various text alerts that a person can sign-up for. You pick and choose which ones you want.

For instance, if school is cancelled, a ballgame is cancelled or there's a severe weather alert, those announcements will get sent as a text to all our family phones. We love the service because its about the only way to know whether or not our son's baseball or soccer game is cancelled. Otherwise we show up and see, and that's a huge time waster.

For kicks we also get Twins, Vikings and Cowboy scores sent to our phone.

Text messaging is a great way to get quick pertinent info, so don't be too quick to discount its usefullness. It's evolved to more than just a way for teenagers to communicate. Personally, I prefer a text message over a voicemail anyday as I hate taking the time to log-in to voicemail when a quick read of the screen would do the job.


RE: Blocking texting spam on your cell phone

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:05 pm
by Yanita

I am not a real fan of texting to send my messages, BUT, I do receive alot of Mark says to receive weather alerts alone is a very valuable source for us...

LOL, I have spent endless time encouraging close friends and family to get the weather alerts programmed to their cell far so good and most have called back and thanked me for it!


Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:13 pm
by mokehillannie
I called my service provider and had the text messaging disabled.

I use my computer for anything that gets "text messaged". All else was just spam to me.

I'd rather talk to my friends and family.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:08 pm
by tnt17
Ouch. I do over 5,000 texts a month, without them i'd wear my cell phone battery down talking instead of texting, and not get much work done (can't physically be on the phone around customers in my line of work while servicing accounts/stores)

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:26 pm
by Mark
I have some of my e-mails filtered and sent to my phone as a text message (Gmail rocks!). Not sure I get 5,000 text messages a month, but I know it's over 3,000.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:36 am
by Serena
Lots of folks like texting. For those of us who don't, it's nice to know there are ways to keep it from showing up on those little contraptions.

I still miss the old, heavy, black phones we dialed with a pencil. The ones that wouldn't break if they fell on the floor. And they always had a clear sound. You could replace parts, if needed. No need for a magnifying glass. You always knew where it was. No one called during dinner. No telemarketers, no phony charity solicitations.

Cell phones themselves are enough of a stretch for some of us.

Weather alert radios are popular here. I have one in the kitchen and also check several weather websites every day. I also have a weather phone number programmed into my phone. There are lots of ways to keep up on the weather. A few of us in the neighborhood keep track of each other and the weather, and warn each other of anything necessary.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:37 pm
by Demolition
Cell Phones are not confusing enough yet....
I am waiting till they have ones with MORSE CODE built in so I can scramble my brains trying to operate the phone.