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Wood heat

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:58 pm
by MikeJoelagain
Anyone know of a place online that sells wood stoves for trailers?
I want to put one in to either eliminate the oil heat or to at least ease it. We have our own woods so that is another big bonus.

The insurance company says they will only insure wood stoves specifically designed for trailers. I want to get an idea of their prices, I hope they aren't more than normal stoves.

We are heating about 980sq feet.


RE: Wood heat

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:14 pm
by Robert
Hi Mike,

Don't have any info or links, but they are out there. A google search should find them and maybe even a search here.

We have had past questions on this and may be some links here.

As for price, most often and basicly always, MH rated means higher price tag.

Take care and best wishes,