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Yeah..well Yanita said.....

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:45 am
by oldfart
O.K. folks..this post is directed at the male members of our little group. Wimminfolks don't need to read it..they already know. Harrumph! of the last things ya'll want to say to your girlfriend/spouse/signifigant other/beloved, in the course of an arguement....I mean a"Yeah!...Well (insert the choice of any womans name) so and so told me.....!" Men..this is a recipie for disaster! Now it seems to really tweak their noses if the womans name sounds French...or Latino...or Greek or whatever. (sighhhh...) It all started innocently enough. I asked Yanita how often I should wash and iron the kitchen curtains/drapes/window dressings some time back and she said she does hers "about every 6 months or so." Simple and easy to comprehend..right men? And then..while preparing a meal I launched 16oz. of bar-b-que sauce unto my new curtains via a "flavor injector." You menfolks know what that is..a big hypo-dermic needle to shoot varied flavored stuff.. into... stuff. Anyways...I wiped up the mess and forgot about it..till Carol stopped by and noticed it. Go figger? How do wimminfolks see this stuff? Anyways..she did and suggested I take down the curtains and wash them and that's when it all started. I stated..."But Yanita said I only need to wash...."..and that's when the fecal matter hit the fan! Ahhh yes....more to come of course! Audie..the Oldfart...:)

RE: Yeah..well Yanita said.....

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:18 am
by oldfart
Well gents...I'm 6ft. 3in. tall and 240lbs. I've never provoked a fight..but I've never lost one either. I'd much rather avoid a confrontation or use my head to settle one. I'm much more fragile than my size would suggest. A 5yr. old could bring me to my knees with a well placed punch or kick...or words. And I am soft-hearted..though I will NEVER admit to that. I've got a heart as hard as stone...been tempered by the fires of indifference and forged in the calderon of life. I can chew up railroad tracks and crap out 10 penny nails!! BUT...staring down at a woman half my size..with blood-shot eyes and her neck swollen and in signifigant anger and a finger as hard as flint pointed up at my nostril...I will....did... back down! And so today I'm washing the curtains and hanging them out on the line to dry. Tommorrow I'll iron them on my ca. 1920's wooden ironing board. Another treasure Carol and I found! for a partner that stands beside ye...not above... nor sub-servient. YMHO of course. Audie..the Oldfart...

RE: Yeah..well Yanita said.....

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:49 am
by Yanita
Now Audie,

Fecal matter hitting the fan, :lol: my friend you walked into that one, you opened all the doors. Have you not learned that you never mention another women's name when it comes to things like this. Ooops, I just had to read your post, ummm, thought I ought to since it has my name included, :lol:

LOL, with all life's lessons it seems one of the most valuable ones you forgot! Never tell your wife, wimmin, significant other etc that another women said you need to do it this way or that....that's like tellin her well my MOM did it this way! :shock:

Now back to washing curtain/drapes/window treatments....6 mos is a guestimate to the best I could come up with. To be honest mine get done alot more frequently than that...but I like curtains and have a tendency to change them out frequently. This does not mean that I am right and someone else is wrong.

Nooooow, Ole Fart...had you injected your shirt with flavorin would you wait 6 mos to wash that...hopefully not...BUT, LMAO, I fear askin!

So now we will add a few extra thoughts at when it is time to wash your curtains...when they have fingerprints, or the hint of from opening and closing, do people smoke in your home frequently, is there cobwebs before the 6 mos is near...or LMAO you inject a substance onto them! If any time prior to the 6 mos any of this becomes obvious to wimmin folks you better take them down and "get ur done", cleaned that is! :wink:

Oh, and don't leave those curtains on the line for days on end, especially if the line is in direct sun, they will sun fade, and then you are surely in trouble!

OK, gotta run, need to enhance my tan, maybe imbibe with an adult refreshment and head out to the pool!

Oh, tell Carol I said hello, and apologize for you saying "I said..."

Have a good one.


Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:55 pm
by Greg
Audie, Have you not learned yet? As a man Plead STUPIDITY, they'll (women)believe that!! Greg

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:29 pm
by Jim from Canada
Audie, I would have thought you'd have learned by now. The training never stops. Once ya get one trick down pat, them wimmin will get ya going on another. Or, they change the rules, just so they can be gripeing at ya. Good luck ol' fella.


Re: RE: Yeah..well Yanita said.....

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:08 pm
by WildIrish
oldfart wrote:And I am soft-hearted..though I will NEVER admit to that.
You just did. :lol:

I hope the dust has settled between you and Carol. She ought to be happy with the nice, clean curtains!

RE: Yeah..well Yanita said.....

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:19 am
by oldfart
Well now folks thanks for all the insight. So far I haven't got the "window treatments"..aka... curtains washed. I'll get to it just gimme time! I have 'portant man-things to do! Like...working on the ancient riding mower...twaddeling about with some guns and figgerin' how to run all that plumbing I'm fixin' to rip out as soon as I get to remodeling that bathroom. I'm ponderin'..see? And Yanita..yes..I smoke (Carol of course does not..) And I am somewhat of a is the nature of menfolks. Mind ye, I'm not as bad as I used to be!! At one time, like most men, if I dropped something on the floor I just figgered.."I'll pick it up next time I'm on the floor!" A fumbled can..or 'tater-peeling..or a half-a-chicken carcasse for example. Now that I've put in the "sweat-equity" we spoke of...I'm much more observant and tidy up after myself! Harrumph! And to the menfolks..yeah I know...just do it and avoid the hassle. Got it. Audie....the Oldfart...