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Outdoor water spigot problem

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:14 pm
by WildIrish
We were told that the previous owners of our MH had gotten new plumbing put in. But the outdoor spigots are a mystery. The rear one looks as if it was neatly torn out of the wall, and the front one--which does look new--doesn't work when I turn it on. No water, no air, no sound, nothing.

I was thinking maybe there's some sort of separate shut-off for it, because our neighbor tells us that the previous owners did, indeed, water the front lawn.

Does anyone here know if this could be a possibility...and if so, where might we find the shutoff valve?

Our MH is on a foundation with a crawlspace, if that info helps.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:17 pm
by Greg
If it is near an indoor sink check for a valve under the sink. I tied ours in under the kitchen sink with a valve there to keep the kids from turning it on and for freezing weather. Greg

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:53 pm
by WildIrish
Greg wrote:If it is near an indoor sink check for a valve under the sink. I tied ours in under the kitchen sink with a valve there to keep the kids from turning it on and for freezing weather. Greg
So it IS possible that there's a separate shutoff valve, then?

I checked where you suggested (as the spigot is near the kitchen), but all I see are the hot/cold valves for the kitchen sink. I sure hope they didn't put the darned thing in the crawlspace, because I sure can't get down there to find it. I guess that, when we get the plumber out here for other reasons, we'll have him see if he can find it.

But thanks for the suggestion, Greg. :)

RE: Outdoor water spigot problem

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:34 pm
by NancyKay
HI, I don't have my mobile home anymore, but when I did, my boyfriend at the time used to shut off my spigot in the winter, he said to stop it from freezing, cause it dripped. I couldn't tell you where he did it, it was somewhere underneath cause he had to move the skirting, then in the summer, he would turn it back on

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:45 pm
by Mark
If the pipe to the spigot runs underneath the home, then the shut-off may be back where it tees off of another waterline (probably the main waterline to the house). If the pipe does run underneath the home, then every fall it'll have to be shut-off and blown out before it gets too cold. Either do that or heat tape it. For what it costs to heat tape, I'd blow it out.


RE: Outdoor water spigot problem

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:24 pm
by WildIrish
Mark, you were right on the money!

My neighbor called the former owners of this MH, and they told us where it was. Oddly enough, though, the "pipe" that the valve is on looks more like an automobile hose than an actual pipe.

Question: Now that we know how to turn the valve on and off, how do we go about "blowing out" the pipe to prepare for winter?

Thanks in advance. :)

Re: RE: Outdoor water spigot problem

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:31 pm
by WildIrish
NancyKay wrote:HI, I don't have my mobile home anymore, but when I did, my boyfriend at the time used to shut off my spigot in the winter, he said to stop it from freezing, cause it dripped.
Turns out that the reason the previous owners had the outdoor plumbing set up this way is that the previous pipes DID freeze. Both the front and back outdoor spigots were affected. They only got the front one fixed, and the rear one has been taken out.