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Inside Coils Froze Up

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:36 am
by jinx
Yesterday during the evening I noticed that it seemed kind of warm and checked the thermostat and sure enough it was 82. I shut the A/C down and after a while I started it back up. I checked the registers and the air was cool but not as cold as it normally is. I shut it off again and started calling repair places. Of course no one could come out. I called the repair guy that works for the MH dealer that I purchased from. He got back to me last night and said to check the coil. He said they can ice up if the T/Stat is set too low. I checked and sure enough there was a little ice(A/C had been off for quite some time). He said I could let it thaw overnight or use a hair dryer. Didn't have a hair dryer so I used a little space heater. Got it thawed out and used shop vac to suck water out of tray. Turned the A/C back on and it seemed to be working. Went to bed and a few hours later I wake up real hot. I checked a couple of registers and there was barely any air coming out. I turned off the A/C and checked the coil. It was covered by a solid block of ice. I am now thawing with portable heater again. I know this is long but I wanted to give an accurate picture of what is happening.

RE: Inside Coils Froze Up

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:24 am
by Robert

Normal causes are dirty a-coil, blower not working, blower working interrmittantly, filter dirty, low charge .

You can go to top toolbar, click on HVAC, then click Articles and read "cleaning your a/c" and "cleaning your furnace blower".

Those also cover the a-coil cleaning. That will make sure all is clean.

Clean or replace filter and then if still the same, call a Tech to check charge.

Thanks for inquiring,

RE: Inside Coils Froze Up

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:28 pm
by jinx
Thank you. Someone came out yesterday and it was 2 #'s low on freon.

RE: Inside Coils Froze Up

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:28 pm
by Robert

You're very welcome. Were they able to locate and repair the leak ?
