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Readers Digest...July issue...

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:03 am
by oldfart
Well folks since I've got my knickers in such a knot over the "We can't do enough for the folks in Katrina story" in todays headlines I just thought I'd entertain ya'll some more. Rest assured it's not p/c and I don't much give a hoot. Turn to this months issue of Readers Digest and page 155. Now read the whole article from a taxpayers prospective and share with me your thoughts. In general I support our fighting soldiers..but I do have some issues with Maj. Gen. Douglas M. Stones program. Since the Supreme Court has determined that all the "detainees" (read terrorists) down in Cuba have all the rights of U.S.A. citizens.. we have a whole new can of worms to deal with. Now they're eligible for Social medical care, leagle aid and low-cost housing. Also, they may apply for free college grants and do not have to pay taxes. Excellent...I wish this would have been available to me and my daughter..and grandkids! On top of this Gen. Stone is asking for a "stipend" for those kind the tune of roughly $200 per the taxpayers expense of course. Now lets do some math....20,000 prisoners/terrorists....add in all the freebies and a $200per. mo. check....add in free housing, medical care, welfare and un-employment. Now lets just add in some more trifling costs. They're 9000 American soldiers watching over these malcontents. At a cost of $10,000.00 per. month..per. soldier for hazardous duty pay. And now our polititions think it'd be best to welcome these folks into the U.S.A with open arms and make them citizens. ?? WTH??? Audie..the Oldfart. P.S. Write Readers Digest and tell them...I don't agree!

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:02 pm
by tnt17
Nuke..atomic...drop. Boom.

RE: Readers Digest...July issue...

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:27 am
by Harry

Interesting article By Judith Miller.


RE: Readers Digest...July issue...

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:08 am
by Bea
Easy there!

Keep in mind that Readers Digest makes its money on ads from the pharmaceutical companies. They want your blood pressure to climb so they can sell more little pills. Don't fall for it!

Truly, I'm thinking that there is serious bias in the article, and for that matter the whole magazine. Aren't these bad guys on Amerricun soil, incarcerated and awaiting trials? Weren't they shipped in and held way past the range of a speedy trial? Have any of them actually asked for or been given any of these benefits?

Relax, there's a beautiful breeze and I'll bet the crappies are biting down in the creek. And don't even think about the trees that need trimming ... .

RE: Readers Digest...July issue...

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:16 am
by oldfart
Well folks some interesting thoughts. Now like some I think R.D. tends to tilt toward the liberal side of politics. "The best way to fix a problem is to throw huge amounts of taxpayers money at it. If that doesn' t work..throw more money at it!!" The gist of the post is to bring attention to the cost of the effort. The next time ya'll pick up a newspaper or magazine or listen to a news broadcast pick up your pencil and cross out all the words..."Payed for by the gov't....supplied by the gov't...supported by the gov't..etc. ad-nauseum." Jot in "payed for by the taxpayers." Now read the article again. The gov't didn't come to the rescue down in New Orleans....the taxpayers did. The gov't isn't covering the cost of rehabilitating our own criminals or the ones in Cuba. We are. The gov't isn't supporting untold millions of illiggle aliens....we are. The taxpayers. If 3 generations of one family are still on welfare..who's paying for that? Hmmm? And why? And as far as "rehabilitation" goes....yeah..right. I'm gittin' weary of giving up 25%+ of my paycheck to support, train or rehabilitate scum. 'Nuff of my rant. Audie..the perturbed Oldfart...

RE: Readers Digest...July issue...

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:06 pm
by Yanita
Hey Audie,

Well said and truer words have never been spoken...


RE: Readers Digest...July issue...

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:21 pm
by Harry

I'd like to add ..... of all the gov systems I like ours best.
