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AC jungle

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:49 am
by Mark440
My inside unit is toast. Burned to a delicate crisp!

The hunt to find a replacement unit so far is most frustrating - pricing varies from one side of the moon to the other, contractors seem to live on the moon, internet reviews fluctuate more than current bank stocks, and where the heck is the MSRP???

Now add the limitation of trying to find a brand to replace both inside and outside units for a double wide - and you got a recipe for a prime ripoff, a devastating disappointment, or maybe - a new job for a 5 lb sledge hammer!

Good Grief! This has been worse than going to a car dealership! Everybody has got a different take on what I need, how it should be done, what it should cost, which manufacturer has junk, etc.

So - I am now thinking of setting a unit myself and then pay for a contractor to do the actual hook up. I found two places on the internet - Alpine Home Air and ACDirect that I can buy either Coleman or Goodman products.

Does anyone have experiences with the install or equipment they would like to share??

RE: AC jungle

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:03 pm
by Robert
Find 2-3 reputable local contractors, get estimates and choose what best fits your situation.

You can set yourself, but it is not that easy to find someone to do hook-up and often you'll lose your warranty.

You'll always get different info and opinions when you shop around for any item, especially on the net.

That's why I suggest 2-3 local contractors who you can meet with in person, check them out and then know there is a reason why they are reputable.

Thanks for inquiring,