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Insurance Claims???

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:48 pm
by nhsuga
I had a major water leak, was a line underneath the hot water heater.

Anywho the water has damaged 1 bedroom, including a wall, the whole bathroom, floor and walls and part of the kitchen floor, not to mention the insulation and all the other stuff underneath. the Adjuster will be out tomorrow (thursday) I am so worried that he is not going to crawl under the home to see just how much damage has been done, also to redo the bathroom the tub has to come out and it was built in the bathroom before walls went up so it has to come out in pieces, will he include that in the estimate?

A contractor took a look today and says upwards of 20,000 damage...might they total the trailor then? And do I HAVE to fix the damage or could I trash my home and keep the money?

RE: Insurance Claims???

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:51 pm
by Harry

I had a similar claim in south Florida. I got a check for $2500.00.

Please let us know how you do.


RE: Insurance Claims???

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:23 pm
by JD
First is this a replacement cost policy or an ACV (actual cash value) policy. An ACV policy will deduct the ratio of usable life from the cost of the products value. If they say your vinyl flooring has a 10 year life and worth 2500 but it is 5 years old, the pay out would be 1250. May not be exactly the way it plays out, but similar. A replacement cost policy (from foremost) will usually pay out an initial check for the replacement cost amount, and then send a supplemental check for the approved finished repair cost, less your deductible amount. The supplemental check is paid when the job is completed. You will have to work out a payment plan with the contractor, though he may want to be paid upon completion.

On jobs I have done where bathtubs are removed with sawzalls, the insurance company paid for the new tub. Whether the insurance company will include everything the 20K contractor includes will be a factor. Things considered upgrades or repairs to the original plumbing problems would not be included.

I have seen times when a mobile home was totaled, and a big check written, then the home owner buy the home back for a fraction of the cost. This does effect the title, but if repairs are done properly and it is an older home, there may not be that much effect on the value.


RE: Insurance Claims???

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:47 am
by nhsuga
Claim was denied water leak was an ongoing leak for months underneath, which we did not know about. So now we have a ruined home and zero money to fix it. We are going to strip it and junk it cut losses while ahead. I guess we were suppose to check weekly/monthly or whatever for leaks? I didn `t know this . I thought we were safe because we has insurance .

Anyone in NH in need of a free trailor?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:13 pm
by tnt17
Wow, that's horrible, so sorry. Only way i'd know of a water leak would be an abnormal water bill, which we had once or twice, 80+ a month. Found the problem quickly before it caused problems.

RE: Insurance Claims???

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:42 pm
by nhsuga
Water is included in the park rent so we had nothing to tip us off. I guess mobile home owners should check fo rleaks periodicaly???

We will prob live in a van for awhile. Foremost Insurance if anyone was wondering.

RE: Insurance Claims???

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:33 pm
by Yanita

Sorry to hear of your loss. BUT, your home is fixable even with little money.

And yes, unfortunately it is every homeowners responsibility to inspect there homes periodically, any home...

Why is Foremost denying the claim....


RE: Insurance Claims???

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:56 am
by nhsuga
They are denying the claim because it was an ongoing leak. As stupid as I sound I did not know I had to check for leaks periodically, funny thing is I do have Marks water leak alarms under the sinks and in by the hot water tank, AND IT SAVED US TWICE , ONCE WHEN THE HOT WATER TANK SPRUNG A SLOW LEAK AND ONCE WHEN THE DISHWASHER HOSE CAME UNDONE. but this leak was leaking underneath and being soaked up from below. How can you say we can fix it with little money Yanita? It has ruined almost 3 rooms. We are both in our mid 60`s now, and my husband can`t do any laborous work as he is disabled with a very bad back.

sorry cap button sticks sometimes.

RE: Insurance Claims???

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:19 pm
by Harry

Yep - Foremost will not pay leaky water heater damage.

Here's a link to Foremost which mentions it: ... -leaks.htm


Re: RE: Insurance Claims???

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:29 pm
by Pam
Harry wrote:Hi

Yep - Foremost will not pay leaky water heater damage.

Here's a link to Foremost which mentions it: ... -leaks.htm

Hope you don't mind if I tag onto your old post <G> We have Foremost also and within the last few months developed a roof leak all down one side of the roof edge. It is a peaked roof. We did not know it until I found wet carpet in the master bedroom one day.

Foremost will not cover it! I am furious! I am wondering at this point if I should just lower the insurance as low as I can possibly lower it. They don't cover for hurricanes either, so unless the house burns own, what good is the insurance!!! Not worried about fire really. No one smokes in the house. No ice and rarely any snow here. I am 65 and home 98% of the time.

The home is a 1998 Sunshine. We are having it fixed by a local contractor we are familiar with and he does excellent work. They did 16 feet of it today and are adding water and ice shield on it before the put new shingles on. There is about 2 feet from the edge all the way down the 80 ft length on one side. <sigh>

What would you all insure a 1998 16 X 80 mobile home for in this year of 2008? We have it insured for 60,000 replacement cost which Foremost adds 20% . I think we are over-insured and especially since this mess is not even covered.

You can put your finger though our master bath and master bedroom wall with very little pressure It is soaked! We never even saw a stain on the ceiling until after we found the soaking wet carpet, under a bookcase I moved. A few days later after another rain, there comes a stain. The bathroom ceiling edge, never did stain at all, unless it is under the crown molding.

I am really bummed about all this ! <sigh>