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Sometimes it pays to complain!!

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:21 am
by oldfart
Well now folks bear with me..this is gonn'a take a while to write but here goes. How many of ya'll are on Comcast Cable? Well I bought the Triple Play Package about a year ago. Got Comcast Cable T.V./innernet and telephone...all fer just $107 a month.! (promotional deal) Yeah they say it's just $99.95.....bullfrogs. Anyways, this month got my bill and it skyrockets to $127 a mo. and I'm whacking the telephone and I got Christie...local Comcast server/listen to all the old geezers grumbling about the cost increase/ person. "Hello this is can I help you?"..she inquired. "Christie..this here is Audie out in Greencastle, Pa. and I was one of the first subscribers to Comcast way back when ya''ll first strung cable out here..and ya'll are killing me! Gasoline went double in price...kereosene to heat my home tripled and now ya'll are fixin' to jump my cable rate by $21...yer killin' me young lady!"...I wailed! She listened patiently to my sobs and then did some checkin' on her computor..and offered me a slightly better rate..not much..but a little better. And then....I went into "old man mode"....heh..heh..! More to come of course! Audie..the frugal Oldfart..

RE: Sometimes it pays to complain!!

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:45 am
by oldfart
Folks..when pennies count..count yer pennies! Anyways, since I had Christies ear, I told her that....."#1 I'm a frugal old miser. #2 Direct T.V. and a cell-phone is looking better every day and #3..She can check an find out I have about 20min. each day to spend online on the innernet! Most weeks I get online every few days. Don't go to weird websites and have no time fer "funny-stuff"...I'm half-a-century-+ old fer crissakes! I go to Mobile Home Repair and 2 hunting websites...and a Ford Truck website. I don't chat. I e-mail Mz. Carol and my step-mom in Alaska every few days. I call my birth-Mom twice a week..big brother once a week. That's it Christie. The rest of the time I'm either working or going to give me a better rate or more bang for my buck or I'm out'a here!" ..I hollered! Well folks...I got it! Don't know what the deal is called but now I got 180 more channels on my T.V.!! A total of over 200 channels! Mind ye..I don't have time to watch 'em! Don't care! Gasoline went up 200%..for the same gas. Kerosene went up 300% for the same kerosene!! Cable bill jumped $21 and I've got a crapperload of channels I don't have time to watch! But at least I got something! Hoo! Hoo! Audie..the Oldfart!!

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:10 am
by Mark
Your new rate sounds about what we pay at home.

At the business we also use phone and internet from the cable company. We signed a 2-year agreement, and then 30 days later they came out with a new lower 'permanent' rate which was about $30 less per month. I called and they said I could not get the new rate until my contract was up in 23 months. So I threatened to pull my tv advertising and everything if I didn't get the new rate. I got it!


Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:11 pm
by tnt17
Wow sounds like what ive done/gone throught with Charter. Did a '1 yr promo' with the bundle, all 3 services for $99 a month. After taxes/equip lease it's more like $120. Well they call me, 3 months before the yr anniverssary and must had known i'd been looking elsewhere offered a $120 package with everything and movies and 'faster internet' (just 5megs more) for the next year. Still save $30 a month, but like Audie, i don't watch but 5 channels usually. Direct tv still has my sports program at heart though, watch out Charter.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:51 pm
by WildIrish
You don't want to know the headaches I've had with Galaxy Cable. They kept trying to act as if it was my equipment, or my browser, or the color of my hair (!) that was reducing my 5mpbs speed to LESS than that of dial-up. Turns out that my neighbors were having the same problem...and I guess they got enough complaints that they finally got some tech people out here to fix the problem (for now--I know we'll have more problems, because we always do).

Their prices are ungodly, too. We're paying about $88/month just for cable and internet (no phone). $50 of that is for 5mbps internet--I used to get 10-12mbps for the same price, where we used to live. As for cable, we only get 64 channels, three of which are Christian channels where smarmy "preachers" ask for money, while they're wearing Rolex watches. (We have a church in town which, I believe, will help my spiritual growth far better, thankyouverymuch.)

Furthermore, there are two Fox channels, two ABC channels--WHY do we need these duplicates? We don't get Country Music Television, so no more fun redneck videos hosted by Bill Engvall. We don't even get Nick At Nite, MTV, VH-1...and I've never seen so many damned infomercials in my life. So, in reality, we don't even get 64 channels. :(

I've complained till I'm blue in the face, and I've never even gotten one thin dime back for all the time I've had zero access to the internet. Grrr!

I'm asking around town to see if their DSL speeds compare to Galaxy. I hope so...because it'd be a great pleasure to tell Galaxy to take their stinking equipment out of our MH, and never darken our doorstep again!

P.S. -- Hey, Audie, I ought to give you Galaxy's phone number so you could gripe at them on my behalf, LOL!

RE: Sometimes it pays to complain!!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:36 am
by bell30655
Y'all are lucky. Here we have but one option for cable, high speed internet, electricity, gas, trash pick up, water and sewer. They all come from the city. Digital cable, maybe in 10 years. There is this satellite option for television but then you have to have converters on every tv which means more money.

It is kind of handy having it all on one bill, but also a pain in the rump when something goes wrong. Our internet was our for three days last month. Cable was out for two. We can complain but it does no good. I think they've added my phone number to the "Do not answer" list.