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Cat Urine!

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:22 am
by Ken B
I have a home that has had years of cats urinating everywhere. I've replaced drywall, insulation, sealed all floors,walls and ceilings with shellac and then a good paint, caulked every nook and cranny and I still have problems with odor, especially coming from the heat vents, I've had the system cleaned and called in a "restoration" company and even sealed the vents with shellac but still have problems! Help!!!

RE: Cat Urine!

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:57 am
by Yanita
Hi KenB,

Welcome to the site.

Cat urine can be very difficult to get rid of. I realize you have done alot to get rid of the odor and damage. Urine from any animal was it has penetrated the wood, generally replacement is necessary.

Since I am a cat owner and many times have taken in strays (not any more, just for this reason) I have found a product called "Natures Miracle", a little pricey and can be bought at Pet's Plus or another good pet store.

This product breaks down the proteins in the urine which eliminates the smell. To find the areas of urine, wait until dusk, use a "black light" and the urine stains will glow in the dark yellow! If you do not own a black light you can rent them at the pet store when you purchase the Nature's Miracle, or least we can here.

DO NOT dilute this product! The product itself has a very clean smell, the key is to saturate the area that needs cleaning, I have even used the product when cleaning carpets.

Good luck,


RE: Cat Urine!

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:56 pm
by Greg
That sounds like the product "Husky 400" that I swear by for odor problems. Greg

RE: Cat Urine!

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:41 pm
by Maureen
Reminds me of a neighbor I had years ago! She had a few cats, but didn't believe in spaying or neutering them. Soon she had over 100 cats! Her home reeked so bad, that I could smell it next door on a warm day.

The home was condemned and she left, without finding homes for her cats! People that make ya crazy!

Here's a tip if you can't rip out all areas that have been saturated with the urine. A former New York City taxi driver gave me this tip, and it really works! Go buy a few jars or boxes of activated charcoal used in fish tanks. Just open it up every now and then. They will last about a month before they need to be replaced. They will soak up every oder you can imagine!

No one wants to think about it, but taxi cab drivers in large cities are subjected to all types of ummm 'problems' in the cabs. They take the time to clean up messes, but if they don't get the cab back on the road soon, they loose money! They use the activated charcoal to get the oder out fast.

You could even get some decorative jars to place it in. It might hold you until you can remove the effected areas, and do a major renovation.

Maureen 8)

RE: Cat Urine!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:31 pm
by Yanita

Activated charcoal will eliminate the smell that is in the air, but thats it. It will not get rid of the cause. Use the charcoal to make your home smell better BUT, use the Natures Miracle or the Husky 400 that Greg mentioned. I can not attest to the Husky 400, that might be in the dog section of the pet store LOL, and since I do not won one, I would not of seen it.

Activated charcoal is good for other smells ion your home as well, stagnant air from being closed all winter, to cigarette smoke. This to can be bought at the pet store.

Take care,


RE: Cat Urine!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:35 pm
by Greg
The Husky is an industrial cleaning product. Made by Canberra Corp. Toledo OH. they have a web site ( if you want to find a local supplier. We found it after a friend had a fire, used it to take the smoke smell out of her clothes & furniture. Greg

RE: Cat Urine!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:29 pm
by Sylvia
I'm another happy customer of Natures Miracle. Our especially difficult to housetrain chihuahua started using the outdoors after I really got the smells out of the carpet with Natures Miracle.