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Flooring Question

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:30 pm
by gandjsmom
I am closing on a mobile home ('96 Skyline DW) at the end of the month. It currently has horrible blue carpeting that looks original. I see alot of people here have put hardwood and laminate floors in. My question is have you done anything to insulate the floors? I live in Northeastern PA and it does get fairly cold here.
I did see insulated skirting also and thought this may help. Has anyone tried this? Is the extra expense worth it?

RE: Flooring Question

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:06 pm
by Yanita

The laminate flooring can also be installed with a thin padding underneath. I would think that this would also help with insulating the floors. Before you invest in the laminate check under your home, (you should periodically anyways) and make sure the underbelly material and insulation is in good shape.

I have seen where some folks that are installing the flooring apply a bead of caulking at the base of the wall/floor before the install. There are many threads on this if you care to do a search.

As for the insulated skirting it is something I would recommend if I lived where the winters can get into the freezing temps. If for no other reason than the cost of heating fuel rising. It also helps to protect your water pipes and looks great and last longer than vinyl skirting.

Just my thoughts,


Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:28 pm
by tnt17
yes, what Yanita said...underlayment recommended from a southerner to you a northerner, more or less:-)
will need it.
click on my name, and view some of my flooring posts. i did the den in laminate hardwood over the winter and recent projects as well.

RE: Flooring Question

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:45 am
by Yanita

It appears the photo albums are still not functioning. I will check on what is going on with it.

LOL, TNT17, although I live in the south now, I am very much a northern,used to live just short of the Canadian border in Vermont. I lived in a mobile home there as well.

Have a great night,


Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:54 am
by tnt17
I miss the north, although i don't think Spokane, WA was defined 'northerner' hehe.
Lived there for 12 years, 45 minutes from canadian border, and man those winters could be cold. Never forget that hardwood floor my parents old house had. You'd never catch me barefooted. Always had slippers on:-)
Course nowaday's i'm back in the cold...working for Blue Bell Ice cream within 200 miles of Charlotte around the Carolina's and grocery stores.
25 below on the truck, makes your bones ache in the winter, but sure feels NICE in the hot summer!
Time for a 16 hour day at work, chow!