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1989-where is my water heater?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:11 pm
by lv2cmp
Stupid question I'm sure but its something that I do not have the answer for. where is the best place to look for my water heater? I have a 14 x 70 1989 Kaufman-Broad Mobile home. I just recently purchased it. It is in excellent shape but I was thinking last night and realized I didn t know where to look. Can anyone help me with that?


RE: 1989-where is my water heater?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by Mark
If you don't have a separate outside access door for the water heater, look for a removable panel inside one of your closets. Might have to remove a few screws to get to it.

Or you could look for the main waterline underneath your home. Look where it goes up into the home. 90% of the time, it goes right into the area of your water heater.


RE: 1989-where is my water heater?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:21 pm
by bell30655
I searched for a week all over my 1987 Redman for the water heater. I felt like an idiot and didn't want to tell anyone I couldn't find it. No access panels from the outside of the home. Too low to the ground, so crawling under the trailer to follow PVC was out. I searched every closet, no dice.

Finally, I resorted to my tape measure and discovered that I had 37" inches between my wall where the fuse box was located and the back of the master closet. I carefully examined the master closet, no access that way.

So I removed the cover of the fuse box and then carefully removed the piece of wall paneling, there it is. A nice large electric water heater. Problem that I have yet to solve but at moment don't need to solve... I can't get to the water heater. I can see it but I can't get to it. Well, I can adjust it but wouldn't be able to remove it.

I guess in this long winded post, I'm saying break out your tape measure and you will find it.

RE: 1989-where is my water heater?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:03 am
by oldfart
Aye Bell...doesn't surprise me one bit! ROTFLMBO! Seems they build these homes just like they build todays cars. As if they never figgered ye'd have to actually work on them! HAW!HAW!HAW! My hot water tank was in a corner..behind the water-pressure tank..behind the water-softener. Cool! No outside access and no inside access. Excellent engineering! When the old hot-water tank blew I had to reef it up over the other stuff..filled with 100lbs. of lime and 40gal. of water since the drain-valve was corroded shut! A conservative estimate of...400+lbs. at least. For a fat old man working alone there was but 1 way to do it. Adreniline fired by beer and anger. Profanity seemed to help. It wasn't puddy!!! Installing the new hot water tank involved even more outlay of profanity and anger and carrying the tank in on my shoulder and tossing it like a javaline into the nook. I plan on rectifying that little problem when I remodel the bathroom&plumbing directly. Audie....still laughing..the Oldfart..