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1976 Hillcrest Electrical Problems

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:07 pm
by jinx
Had some elec work done on the pigtail while we were gone now pnly half of home has electrical. Also, the half that has elec has some of the outlets not working. Does anyone know where the inside elec panel would be or if it has an inside panel?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:10 am
by steve
Call your electrician back...he screwed up

RE: 1976 Hillcrest Electrical Problems

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:09 am
by oldfart
Jinx if you have already paid the electrician to do the work...and it's not them back. They screwed up somewhere and this isn't an area that the homeowner should have to deal with...or should. And tell them that you need them to return PRONTO. Not next week or when it suits!! If you payed by the bank and put a hold on the check. If you paid with cash go knocking on their door and demand they return today. If that fails call your local utility (power) company today and report the problem and the name of the electrician/business. When they return ask them (politely!) to show you where the breaker-box/fuse-box/electrical panel is. Now some advice in hindsight. Anytime you have work done on your home only pay 50% upfront. (maximum) Upon completion of the work if you are dis-satisfied in any way and have a reasonable complaint (which you do!)..don't pay the remainer of the bill until you are satisfied. Drywall, electrical, plumbing, roofing etc. etc. etc. ..same thing. Payment upon completement of the job to my satisfaction is my rule. I hold my mechanic to this..and my dentist, and my doctor and the guy that pumps out my septic tank. If it ain't fixed...I ain't payin' for it...simple as that. JMHO of course. Audie..the Oldfart...

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:52 pm
by Greg
If you have fuses rather than breakers outside you may have 1 blown fuse. Greg