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Before/After of remodel/decor for Trudi

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:11 pm
by phelpcd1
Ok, Trudi - here is the main thing we did as far as remodeling. There was a 2nd bedroom right off the tiny living room. We took down the bedroom wall and built a new wall about 4 feet back - so we created a larger living space and a small "storage" type room where I keep things and also my dog crates (I have 4 little dogs so those are a must). When we sold our normal house, I brought in the big EC I already had, and bought me some new couches etc. We put in that vinyl tile that looks like it has grout all in the LR, and then new very nice carpet in the little storage room and the only remaining bedroom. For a tiny little space, this has come a long way. Here are the photos as we progressed........

This is the new wall being put up and old wall coming down - had to do alot of rewiring the electric etc. but it wasn't that bad.


This is the LR before any wall was removed and before I really decorated or anything.


This is the LR after the wall etc. I need to take some new pics as I have some new pieces in this room, but you get the idea. Check out the nice job my ex did covering the ceiling wood - we couldn't remove that top strip because it was nailed from the roof down. Nice huh......


I will keep adding a few pics when I find them......there isn't really much to see, the whole place is something like 650ish sq. ft.

Yanita - i will try to find the swatch - the green is definately a very olive green with a brown undertone. It goes well with reds, browns and coppers

RE: Before/After of remodel/decor for Trudi

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:06 am
by Yanita

Thanks for the pics, and I must say, great job!

Yes, please post the name and brand of the paint, love that color and am really thinking I want to repaint our master suite with it...LOL, can't believe I am even considering it with all that I have painted here in the past 2 1/2 years.

Quick tip for retaining paint colors. I always remove a light switch in each room and paint the inside with the color of that room, with marker I write the brand name. Saves trying to find swatches.

Thanks for starting a new thread as well, the others are getting real long.


RE: Before/After of remodel/decor for Trudi

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:25 pm
by Trudi
Wow, phelpcd1! As cute as it was "before" it is fantastic now. You really have an eye for planning and decorating. That must be a treat to come home to. I'll be watching for more. Big pat on the back!!!

Yanita, that's a great tip about the light switch. Hope I can remember to do that next time. :wink:

RE: Before/After of remodel/decor for Trudi

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:53 pm
by kamiller73
Beautiful. Love it. Great Job!!!