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I can't believe we won!!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:33 pm
by markow05
The other day it was announced that we WON for most beautiful yard in the park for the month. We received $100 cash bonus and needless to say it's taken us 3 years and a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get here. :wink:

This is our deck from when we first moved in.

Last year on our anniversary my husband & I took a mini-vacation and re-did the deck stairs & railing.

This year we added the deck overhang and more landscaping to make it more appealing. We also added the tree in the front in hopes that next year it'll add a bit more privacy while sitting on our deck. As it is....we make a big Sunday breakfast and sit out there enjoying the day.

RE: I can't believe we won!!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:13 am
by Trudi
Well, I can believe you won! :lol: Very pretty. Is that a fountain in the flower bed closest to the steps in the last picture? Sitting on that deck, a glass of iced tea, oh yeahhhhh....

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:25 am
by markow05
Yeppers that's the fountain my husband picked out. It has the three vases, I put those smooth rocks into the openings where the water pours into it to give it that babbling brook sound.

RE: I can't believe we won!!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:51 pm
by mist1953
Very pretty. Have you had any problems since you've attached the over hang to your roof line??

We are getting ready to put an over hang over the deck we just put together and we were going to do a free standing over hang. I like your better.

RE: I can't believe we won!!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:52 pm
by Yanita

Your yard looks great! Congrats on your win!


A word of caution on attaching a porch/deck directly to your home. It is not recommended. Check out the Articles link in the task menue at the top of the page. It shows why you should not do this. Also before building check with your local codes office. Most areas require these to be free standing from the home.


RE: I can't believe we won!!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:01 pm
by markow05
Mist - Yanita is right, the way we did our overhang was a personal choice. I'd do a lot of checking to make sure it's the best solution for you.

But no....we haven't had any problems, no leaks or anything because we took extra precaution to make sure it was done right. Although I have noticed with attaching it to the home our deck is more stable and sound. Like a tight fit glove.

BTW, thanks for the congrats. I was shocked to say the least because there are quite a few homes in our community that I think are much better looking than ours.

RE: I can't believe we won!!

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:06 am
by mist1953
We also decided to put an overhang on our deck and because we purchased Mark's manuel we are going to do a free standing overhand. We had so much problems with our home when we first got it and they are now fixed i don't want to take the chance of messing anything else up. Your home looks very nice and your yard is very lovely.