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House Sitting and Pet Sitting

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:33 pm
by ImaDufus
Please excuse me if this is posted in the wrong forum.

About a month ago I put an ad in Craigslist for house sitting and pet sitting. I am retired and have time on my hands. I received no responses and forgot about the ad.

I just received an inquiry and now have to think about what would be a fair price to ask to house sit which includes pet sitting. I think someone would be very happy to have someone stay at their home while they are gone to tend to the plants, mail, weed the flower beds, pick up litter and tend to the pets. I know from experience that putting a pet in a kennel during one's vacation is an agonizing experience.

I would appreciate any suggestions on what to charge. The woman that inquired said they have four acres and some pets. I can clean the house while I am there; windows, dust, etc.

What would be a fair price to ask? FWIW, the location is in central Florida where a deserted house is definitely an invitation for burglars.



RE: House Sitting and Pet Sitting

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:44 pm
by Harry

Are you bonded?

Who pays the transportation to Fla?

Here is some info: ... cala%2C+FL


RE: House Sitting and Pet Sitting

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:15 pm
by Yanita
Well I have no monetary suggestions, but can say this...

Around here Pet Sitting does not require one to stay over night in the persons home. Yes, you go and spend time with the animal and do all that is required for that animal. But, you do not do the housekeeping in general...dusting, mopping etc...nor yard work.

Yard work, Housekeeping and Petting Sitting are three different trades here. Not saying you can't do it but unless you are completely familiar with all three trades you might want to just tackle one at a time.

Like Harry said, at the very least you will want to be bonded, break a vase, use the wrong cleaner on something and see how quick you will be in the court room.

