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Ply Bead for a ceiling treatment?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:01 am
by NorthernLight
Hi Everyone,

New here, and my hubby and I just bought our first mobile home. It's a reeeal fixer upper (kinda scary :shock: ) It's a double wide with a combination of vaulted ceilings in some rooms, and not in others. Instead of using drywall (which seems a little heavy), has anyone ever used Ply Bead on ceilings? Seems like it might give a real nice cottage look if painted white, and be a whole lot lighter. Application tips, and what to use to prime, and paint it with would be a huge help. There are lots of ideas on the net, but I'd rather have first hand mobile home experiences. :D

Any other ceiling treatment ideas will be greatly appreciated!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:23 pm
by mokehillannie
My brother who is a building contractor suggested that we use the bead board on our ceilings also. He said we could also use 1/4" sheet rock also, but it is more fragile and would be harder to do.

I'm hoping to do a southwest look in the house, so I'm not to sure how the bead board will look.

Anything will look better than the old warped acoustic stuff that is there. We fixed the leaks that caused this.

I'm curious to see what others have to say too.

RE: Ply Bead for a ceiling treatment?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:02 pm
by Yanita

There are a few different types (thicknesses) of beadboard. Before I can give you the go ahead could you leave a link from Lowe's or another place that you intend to buy the materials.

I have beadboard in a couple different areas of my home. One being the master bath...this was done in 1/2 inch beadboard panels, comes in 4x8 sheets. This was used on the walls. IMO, way to heavy for a MH ceiling application.

In the guest bath we opted for the 1/4 prefiinshed (painted) luan type panels for that room. Small window in that room so the reflective finish of that wallboard reflects light nicely.

I have not seen unfinished beadboard wall panels in the 1/4 inch thickness...but not saying it is not there.

I have contemplated this for my own ceilings as well, but with the prefinished 1/4 wall board (beadboard) I will still need to use these little plastic splines that the finished edges would slide into...don't like that look!

Anyways, post some links as to what you have in mind. Also are you planning on removing your existing ceiling panels or placing the beadboard over it?


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:10 am
by mokehillannie
We have to remove the ceiling material. Our mobile sat empty for 4 years with a leak before we bought it. The leak wasn't really that bad, but without any attention, the ceiling is really warped. To bad to fix.

We fixed the leak, but haven't even tried to do anything with the ceiling. The aluminum wiring is a priority right now. It HAS to go!!

RE: Ply Bead for a ceiling treatment?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:16 am
by Yanita
Hmmm, you have alot of work in front of you have the Repair Manual we sell here on site? You can either order the written manual or order the download version.


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:31 am
by mokehillannie
Not yet. We don't really have an address to send anything to where we are working right now. We will back to where the mobile is the last of November. I intend to get the book then. We are unable to do any work until then anyway. We are over 4 hours away from it at this time.

I hope the really bad storm last night didn't do any damage. We have 7 really nice trees on our lot. Trees are an asset in Arizona.

I guess I should say, we had 7 trees until the storm. They had up to 100mph winds in the Phoenix area.

I think it went a little south of us, at least I hope it did. We are west of Phoenix.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:00 pm
by mokehillannie
I just talked to someone who lives just west of us and they said the storm missed our place.

RE: Ply Bead for a ceiling treatment?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:00 pm
by AbbottsManor
You may want to look at this. ... id=2082519

I sent for a sample and I can tell you it looks just like real beadboard. You'll never be able to tell the difference especially on a ceiling.


RE: Ply Bead for a ceiling treatment?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:05 pm
by Yanita

Although a great link and I have looked a similar wallpapers. Some with the older time ceiling prints. Anyways, although I have thought about them I think it would be a real PITA to apply to the ceiling. The orginal poster needs to replace ceiling tiles as theirs are water stained and sagging.


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:14 am
by mokehillannie
It looks very good, but our ceiling has to be removed and there wouldn't be anything to attach this to in our old mobile.

We have to just replace it. We may just bite the bullet and get someone to put up 1/4" sheet rock.

RE: Ply Bead for a ceiling treatment?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:26 am
by NorthernLight
Hi again, thanks for the replies, and discussion of different treatments. Sorry I didn't get back sooner...but...well I've been kinda swinging from the ceiling joists like a monkey, removing old ceiling, screws, staples, spiders, and other assorted critters that took up residency so we can replace insulation and vapor barrier. UGH :shock:
My hubby pretty much ruled out the ply-bead...didn't like the look. He's determined to go with sheet rock ceilings. I'm just going to let him do his thing. :wink:
Buuuuuut then again here's something else I ran across. I really love the look of ceiling planks. Even better than the ply-bead sheets.

Check this out! 8) ... ?shapeId=3
This treatment might be time consuming, but hey I'd be up for the challenge...after all I spent 23 years living in Aberdeen SD! :P

Excellent all have great ideas. :D