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My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Acres

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:23 pm
by sd0321
The "handyman" was supposed to come today to take up the old floor in the hallway and put in new floor. I wasn't happy already, because I said "plywood" and got some other type of flooring that is not took him four hours to go from first picture to second picture. And this was his fourth time coming here, had to talk, had to measure, had to pull up carpet (that was already cut and loose...) had to bring tools over, had to bring material over, so finally, I thought today I'd have a hallway floor.... but not. I left and came home to one single 4x4 screwed in piece of "flooring" with gaps around it that I could stick my thumb through.....

My daughters boyfriend isn't a carpenter, but he thinks he could do a better job. So he is coming over tomorrow while I'm at work. Called handyman and made up a story, because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.....said I'd leave a check for his hours today in an envelope taped to his sawhorses in my shed.....told him my daughters boyfriend just got laid off, lives right behind me, and has time to do this for me....(partially true, but a whole 'nother story in itself....)

I feel overwhelmed. The kitchen faucet the previous owner had replaced, and when she was done, there was no water coming out of the faucet, just water to the sprayer, so her "fix" was to put this big orange clip thing to clip the sprayer to the faucet......(she was divorced and not rich and had no one to help her either....) well, fixed that with a new faucet, no sprayer, don't want to see another sprayer now anyway.....and I have a coat rack at the end of my kitchen cabinet covering the place where the end of the lower cabinet came off.....and a can of peas, yes, a can of peas holding up the lower cabinet base on one end.....and it has red paint on it, so it has been there since she painted the kitchen, and this was not recently....and the kitchen is red and yellow and roosters EVERYWHERE......

and tonight my friend came over and we looked in the broiler part of the gas oven, and there is insulationy looking stuff and papery looking stuff and evidence of previous mice residence in there....gross, and for fire safety, thank goodness I haven't used the oven yet......

I'm good at sanding and filling and skills at plumbing, and afraid to use a circular saw, or any saw. Will insert pictures of halfway done with my black, yes black bedroom.....aliens on the light, "no evil" or whatever it says on the wall....

Took two coats of primer and one of paint to cover that black ceiling...

Anyway. And also discovered, by the way, that my furnace was a recall and needs to be checked. And it was cool this morning. Gonna get a guy from the authorized service and repair place to look at soon as I have a hallway again, so he won't fall through the floor.

Anyone living a life like this, or am I crazy and should go back to renting? On the bright side, the roof doesn't leak and I have no neighbors above me walking around on creaky floors waking me up at night.... :-) Sherry

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:28 pm
by sd0321
I don't see my pictures of the hallway, or my room.....? Oh well, maybe that just takes time, like everything else..... Sherry

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:42 pm
by sd0321
Resending pictures.....

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:11 am
by Yanita
Hi Sherry,

Sounds like you are a little overwhelmed. Start your projects/repairs in order of necessity. Trust me if you tear everything up at one time you will get discouraged fast.

In our BOOKS/PARTS link in the task menu at the top of the page you can order the Repair Manual. Sounds like you might need one.

Go to the WEBSITE QUESTIONS forum and look for the UPLOAD PICS post, complete instructions on how to do it. I checked your settings and you should be able to....


RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:56 am
by sd0321

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:07 am
by sd0321

And there are the other pics in my last post, I did something wrong and didn't insert them in the original post.....

Hopefully I have a hallway floor to walk down when I get home from work tonight......

Thank you for your reply, Yanita.....and I did get the manual, it is great. And not to worry, I'm not touching the coat rack or the can of peas for some time to come........


RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:09 am
by Yanita
Hi Sherry,

JMO here but I would remove the particle board that your handyman installed, return any wood that you can and buy 3/4 plywood. If you are going to have this done at least use the best materials possible. That particle board ever gets wet and you will be doing the same repair again.

Ummm, looks like your handyman was not sure how to read a tape measure, make sure the next one measures twice.


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:28 pm
by Greg
Yanita, that looks like OSB to me (if we are looking at the same picture), If it is OSB is "acceptable" in my opinion. Not as good as plywood but much better than Partical board. Greg

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:22 pm
by Yanita
Hey, yup I said the wrong type, sorry. Thanks for the correction.

The furkids are horribly sick and was waiting for the vets return call...anyways hope she got this gist of it. Personally I would still reove and go with plywood, but that is JMO.


RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:44 am
by Robert
Here's my 1.333333 cents worth, LOL. The OSB should be fine barring a flood, BUT I would remove and replace with 3/4" plywood because............

You requested it and should get what you're paying and asking for number one.

And, because Bubba only got a small bit of work done, so not that much to remove.

Tell the daughters boyfriend to have no worries, handy dude ain't a carpenter either.

The roosters would have to go, LOL.

Hang in there, it gets funner and funner as you go, LOL. :wink:

Take care and best wishes,

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:22 pm
by sd0321

The hallway got done in that OSB type stuff..... and I know that it will probably have to be redone someday, but for now, atleast I can walk down the hallway without falling through the floor.... it took me three different guys to get down the expensive lesson, the handyman, my daughters boyfriend (who can't measure much better than the handyman), and another friend who was more open to letting me help and measure while he used the circular saw...the last third of the hallway looks pretty darn good to me.

For the bathroom, which needs a whole new floor, I think I'll wait until income tax return time and call mobile home repair and get an estimate. And they will already know that you want real plywood.... I have come to the conclusion that regular handymen or carpenters may be fine in a regular house, but that mobile homes are different and need to have a person that knows how to work on a mobile home. Probably cost more to do the bathroom than I paid for this place........ oh well, I feel lucky to live right here in Aberdeen, South Dakota, where there is a company like this that has such experience in repairing mobile homes. That is, if I survive the winter in this old trailer...... :-)

Thanks for the input, Sherry

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:49 am
by Robert
Hi Sherry,

Oh goodness, you live in Aberdeen, you need to ride over to the store and talk with Mark in person.

You might have a time getting him to work on your home (he hung up his tool belt in Oct.,'06), but he may be willing, LOL.

At any rate, he can supply all correct needed items and give expert advice on all problems related to your home.

The OSB should be ok if it doesn't get saturated and left wet, it is much better than particle board, but not as good as plywood, kinda at the 50% to 75% range or slightly better.

Take care and best wishes,

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:03 pm
by sd0321
I didn't know that they didn't do any work, but now that you said that and I looked in the yellow pages, I see it is listed under "Manufactured-Mobile Homes-Parts and Supplies".....I guess I was thinking maybe they had people who work for them that do repairs.

But right under that there is another listing "Manufactured-Mobile Homes-Repair and Service" and it says "We know mobile homes inside and out." Sounds like a place to call.

I did buy the bathtub from Mark, took in a picture of what I had and he was very helpful and now I have a bathtub....but now realize that the floor under it probably (okay, definately) needs to be replaced, so I know it's going to have to come back out at some point when the bathroom floors get revamped. Went back and bought the manual. Should have bought the manual first.

Hindsights 20/20 :-) Sherry

RE: My day off, "handyman", and living in Green Ac

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:35 am
by Robert
Hi Sherry,

Mark has had employees working for him in the past, but eventually became a one man crew doing all types repair and upgrade.

Since Oct. '06, he has this website and the store and did manage a MH park until about Jan of this year.

I believe he still does an occasional repair job, but not full time as he did for 10+ years previously.

The store, this website and the online store keep him very busy.

Most of this is DIY and with his guidance and the manual, plus the forums here, you should be fine.

Take care and best wishes,