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Need help with Deck design

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:04 pm
by mobtek
I am finally able to afford to build a front entrance deck and I need help with the design. If someone would please point me to a website or maybe make some suggestions I'd be grateful.

Here are the specifics:

I want to build a 6'd x 12'w deck. A simple corrugated metal roof would be nice. My property is all sand. I don't mind setting a few posts - I was hoping if I use larger sized posts I might get away with 6 (?). My front door is approximately 3 feet off the ground. I have been told that it is best to NOT attach it to the house, otherwise I would ledger the backside and set 3 large posts for the front. Pros and Cons of attaching it to the house?

As far as the roof, I want to drop the height of the deck down one (maybe two) steps from the house. This will allow me enough room to tuck the edge of the deck's roof under the edge of my home's roof.

I also thought about building the roof as an open frame, then buying a good quality canvas tarp and covering it. Of course, it's probably cheaper just to use corrugated tin.

My budget is not huge. Help! (and Thanks, as always)

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:06 pm
by Greg
Many home centers & lumber yards do deck plans for free, just give them your measurements, they can design & make a material list. Greg

RE: Need help with Deck design

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:47 pm
by JD
What part of the country is your home in? Are you in a high wind or heavy snow area?


Re: RE: Need help with Deck design

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:10 am
by mobtek
JD wrote:What part of the country is your home in? Are you in a high wind or heavy snow area?
South Texas

No heavy snow - some heavy winds occasionally.