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Just joined!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:16 pm
by Sally
Hi, everyone. I just found this website, and undoubtedly will be dropping in VERY often. Sounds like many people on this site have experience and common sense advice - I'll have to develop my own experience, but I sure will be listening to all the advice I can! I find myself divorced at 56, the ex got the marital residence, and for my own home I purchased a 28x66 15 yr old doublewide (which suffered fire damage) from a friend at a ridiculously low price. (Can't afford anything else!) I'll be literally re-working this home from one end to the other on the inside from the smoke/soot. The fire occurred in the kitchen - - you know, one of those premeditated kitchen fires? :shock: - - so I am working off one sink base, shelving, a hot plate, microwave and toaster oven, all on makeshift tables in the kitchen. The carpet is a nightmare. I'm slowly priming the walls with Kilz, but it's slow going (I also work 40 hrs. a week). The bathrooms will need extensive work, and blah blah blah. I look forward to picking your collective brains and hopefully receiving some encouragement as I undertake this project, which I believe will ultimately be my final residence. (If I can "do" this myself, I will have a great deal of reason to be proud.) I am quite intrepid, not afraid to learn something new, and have been a DIYer all my life. Hello to all! I'm so pleased to have found this forum.


Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:11 pm
by Greg
Sally, Hi & welcome. I will tell you right from the get - go that you have the right attitude for any job you will have.
As I have said many times before, you have the best support anywhere in the world right here. I will say in all honesty that I can't think of any problem that our family members have not been able to solve.

RE: Just joined!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:16 pm
by Yanita
HI Sally,

A big welcome to you and glad you found us!

About everyone here has done some job/remodel and alot of folks have come up with some creative and some inexpensive ways to get things done. If you have the ambition we have the time for encouragement and guidance.

I recommend that you get the repair manual we sell in the BOOKS/PARTS link in the task menu above. It is certainly worth the money, it will be the best read that you do while trying to get your home ready.

Hope you take the time to review the site, and don't forget all the picture albums.

We only have a few guidelines here. We ask that all members post there questions in separate threads. This allows everyone to get the answers they need without confusion. Always be courteous to fellow members. If you have a problem please email one of the Admins or Mods.

LOL, I do the housekeeping/secretarial stuff here on site, in other words I lock, delete and move most of the post if needed. I ask that chit chat be kept to a minimum on the REPAIR FORUM, we like to keep these nice and neat. The decorating forums and off topics are fair game to chatter.

We prefer that ALL heating and air conditioning questions get posted in the HVAC forums, choose the one that comes the closest to your needs.

Any and ALL gas or electrical questions are closely moderated on any of our forums. These are 2 areas that we feel are to dangerous to try to teach over the internet, for your safety and that of your home, as well as our protection. Some basic questions we will answer but as I said, at any time these can be locked from further public posting.

Look forward to helping you in the future. Jump in and join any and all current discussions.

Should you need further help with the site please feel free to email one of the Admins/Mods.

Welcome to


RE: Just joined!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:39 pm
by JD
Hi Sally and welcome to the forum. You will find a lot of nice people here. Take your time and don't overdo it. I bet you enjoy some of it! Good luck with your renovation.


Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:17 am
by Mon
Hi Sally ~welcome~~ I hope you find what you are looking for.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:42 am
by mokehillannie

With your attitude, you can do ANYTHING!!

Good luck with your place. You will get it done and it will be nice.

RE: Just joined!

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:22 pm
by arbonnechick
Welcome Saly, from one newbie to another! :D
