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Painting Exterior

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:34 pm
by LisaNCarolina
I know that this question has probably been addressed a million times on this Forum but I would like advise on how to best paint the exterior of my park model home. I'm not sure what is the best brand and kind. Should I invest in a paint sprayer or brush it on?

Oh, and I love this site!!! We bought this place at the beach in July. It is our piece of paradise. We had an older travel trailer and this being permanent has given us more room, and unlimited possibilities. I have done a lot of remodeling inside, paint and new flooring... now for the outside. I have before and after pictures I won't bore you with right now, but it has been a blast

RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:39 am
by Yanita
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the site!

We need to know what type of siding your home has before we can give you an answer.


RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:59 am
by LisaNCarolina
I have aluminum siding. I have an enclosed porch that is vinyl, and was thinking about rewrapping the entire place in vinyl. But with my limited budget and all the interior renovations I'm thinking painting would be the best way to go.

I have pictures, but having difficulty getting them posted. Any tips you could give me would be great.


RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:48 pm
by Yanita
Hi Lisa,

With aluminium siding you need to clean the siding real well. The best way to do this is with a car wash brush, with the telescopic handles. Bucket with TSP (tri sodium chloride) This can be purchased at Lowe's or another similar store.

All the oxidation must be removed from the home, that's the white chalky looking stuff. Clean in small manageable sections. Preferably on a cool day.

Check all caulking around windows, doors and screws that hold your siding in place. Repair as needed. Also check the sealant where the roof and exterior walls meet. Even the slightest crack in this sealant will cause water leaks into the walls.

Prime real well with your choice of primer and then paint with a latex. There are many threads on this if you want to review some. I believe that some members even have pics of some of their painting jobs.


RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:07 pm
by LisaNCarolina
Thanks Yanita. I have been through a lot of the threads and found a world of information as well as motivation! This is a great site. I see that you are from E. North Carolina. We have our PMH in Holden Beach (Brunswick County).

RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:35 pm
by Yanita

Not familiar with the area. I must confess I like the mountains best! There is something about that massive body of black salty water, crashing waves, bull sharks, 20,000 people with screaming kids that just does not appeal to me LOL.

I need to swap homes with someone that lives closer to the mountains. To keep cool in the summer we have a pool, can see the bottom, no sharks, no waves unless we make them, no kids...well unless the grand daughters are here...nice clear clean water!

Enjoy your home!


RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:38 pm
by mobtek
1 - Unless you are an experienced painter I would suggest NOT using a sprayer. You would not believe the amount of overspray you can get by not properly masking everything - you do NOT want to paint the neighbor's car.

2 - It's all in the prep - As Yanita said - clean thoroughly, then clean again... thoroughly. Use a good quality primer (like KILZ). Buy a decent brand of paint - the extra cost will pay for itself in the long run.

3 - If you do not have a lot of flat surface I would consider using a brush for everything. A Park-Model home is small and can be done a section at a time.

4 - Start with the trim and slightly overpaint, top-to-bottom. Then paint the bigger surfaces and it's easier to get a straight line painting up to the trim.

5 - If you do the large areas before the trim then paint all the way up the edge of your trim and then paint only the flat facia in your trim color. It makes it so much easier than trying to paint the 1/4' - 1/2" edge of the trim without getting paint on the house.

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:59 am
by mokehillannie
TSP-------tri sodium phosphate.

Unless they have changed the formula, and I wouldn't be surprised if they have.

RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:57 pm
by Yanita
OOP' of those fingers gets ahead of the brain...thanks for the correction!


Re: Painting Exterior

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:32 pm
by Trudi
LisaNCarolina wrote:.......
We bought this place at the beach in July. It is our piece of paradise. We had an older travel trailer and this being permanent has given us more room, and unlimited possibilities. I have done a lot of remodeling inside, paint and new flooring... now for the outside. I have before and after pictures I won't bore you with right now, but it has been a blast

Bore me! :lol: I love getting inspired by what others have accomplished. Let's see those pics.

You mentioned you were in Holden Beach. Our vacation mh is in Little River. We're almost neighbors! :wink:

RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:58 pm
by LisaNCarolina
I painted one section, and it turned out great! This side is indoor, an enclosed porch attached. [/img]Image

RE: Painting Exterior

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:52 pm
by Rebekahh

My name is Rebekah and I am seriously thinking about painting an aluminum sided 28 yr. old mobile home. I mean the original siding with the screws showing and everything. I am so anxious to read whatever information and see whatever pictures people have sent for inspiration. I am in a small town, Round O, SC. So glad to have found this site!!

Talk to all of you later,

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:57 pm
by peny562
I also have a mobile home at Holden Beach.
I love looking at others before and after pics.
I am trying to decide on colors for my exterior,would love to do something to return it to its original look, it is 36 years old. We have redone the kitchen, and painted throughout and planning on redoing the bathroom this winter, tying to get the work done so we can enjoy the sun & surf this summer.