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Oops, Releveled, now for outriggers

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:55 pm
by NMarie
Guess my dial up connection, did not do so well the last time I tried to post. Anyway....

I had the trailer releveled on Sunday. They crew used the water line method like in Mark's book. The hole job came to $250, and took several hours. My singlewide was 2" low on one front corner compared to the back end, and 1" lower from one I-beam to the other. Luckily, all of the windows still work and the doors still close.

So now that that is done, I need to install some outrigger type supports to help support the new kitchen and bath cabinets. I've looked at the outriggers in the parts book, but I'm not sure I can install them the way my research on line says they should be installed. My trailer has joists running the length of it, not from side to side. The instructions for outriggers say you should inset the screw end plate 6" from the side of the trailer. I do not have joists in that position.

I found something called a quick jack see link
that I thought might work. It also looks like it would not get in the way of the vinyl skirting I have on the trailer. Has anyone used these?

Any other suggestions for trying to use the outrigger style support?


Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:32 pm
by Greg
That is your basic permiter support (blocking), In all honesty that is the way to go. It may take a little more work to install but I think in the long run it would be better and stronger. Greg