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Just wanted to say hi to everyone!

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:40 pm
by wishful_thinker
My boyfriend and I are in the process of buying a mobile home from his sister. We will have it paid off in two years and after those 2 years I have big plans for this little single-wide. Everyone's told me it's silly to want to remodel a single wide (that I've been told was made in the 80's no less, based on the radio/speaker system built into the house) because it's just going to depreciate in value and there's no reason to put so much money into it. But I don't care if it depreciates! It's our home and we plan on being in it for some time. I want nothing more than to personalize it and make it ours. We're saving as much as we can in preparation and have been brainstorming like crazy on what we want to do with each room. I already know that I'm converting our spare bedroom into a darkroom...eventually, because the equipment is a bit pricey. I have been looking into what would open it up and make it seem bigger, what paint colors and thinking about new carpet vs. laminate flooring, etc. My boyfriend has given me pretty much free reign with what to do, because I used to want to be an interior decorator before my life sidetracked (for the better). I've pretty much decided on the color for our living room. I'm thinking of a mint green and instead of pulling off all the crazy molding and those things that cover the seams (can't think of the name right now) I'm thinking of painting them black. I think black would be a lovely accent color for mint least in my head anyway. But I'm going off on a tangent. I wanted to just say hi to everyone and I'm glad there is a forum just for remodeling mobile homes! I've been searching the internet for something like this.

RE: Just wanted to say hi to everyone!

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:14 am
by Denise
Hi, I just wanted to encourage you to go-for-it on your single wide! I redid a "rented" S/W back in's never a bad idea to make your home your personal sanctuary.....good luck!

RE: Just wanted to say hi to everyone!

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:50 pm
by Yanita

Welcome to the site.

There are alot of creative ideas that have been posted. Make sure to take some time and read some of the past threads. Also check out every ones photo albums, some great ideas there as well.

Look forward to your future contributions to the site.


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:06 am
by yourpcguy73
ya my trailers really old but i still fixed it up pretty good.
no sense living in a dump if you own it.
i wouldnt spend 2c on a rented place tho.