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To many mice!

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:39 pm
by DutyCalls
This is my first time to post since joining. We were about to buy a 97 double wide when I discovered your site. We knew the house had a problem with mice as we found several holes. Thought I would post how we remodeled our closets. By the way, we gutted our kitchen and found 9 remains of mice under the cabinets. We filled the holes around pipes interior/under but if anyone else has suggestions we would appreciate it. By the way, we painted the walls with kilz, tore up carpet and found linoleum. Filled the holes with low expanding foam. I then stapled 18" flashing as a baseboard. I sleep much better at night now. I have one closet left. [/img][/img]

RE: To many mice!

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:00 pm
by Trudi
Sounds like you're getting it under control. Feels good to get things
accomplished, doesn't it? :D

RE: To many mice!

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:51 am
by Harry

That reminds me...recently I drilled holes in the floor to reroute some phone and PC wires. Now I need to foam them up.



RE: To many mice!

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:55 pm
by bell30655
I don't like mice and that is why I have a CAT. My cat likes mice. As a matter of fact my cat will use the poor little mousie as a play toy for a while before he finishes it off. I'd rather have the cat and an occasional mouse corpse than not have the cat and see or hear little mice running around.

RE: To many mice!

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:48 pm
by Suzque49
We had mice and figured they must have been coming in through the dogie door. Didn't want to use any poison because of the pups, so we got those plug in sonic mouse deterrent things, they work great :D . We put one in the laundry room and one in the hall. No more evidence of mice around now. I also put one in our motor home where we had a lot of mouse damage. We tried sealing the openings with the expanding foam stuff, but they just nibbled through it and got in anyway. :(