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flippin cold...

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:28 am
by sqhurt
have a single wide trailer last year it was very cold in the master bed room an bath, well this summer i got a new furnace, had 3/4 the underbelly insulated then an just finished the rest which was pretty much under the master bath an bed.. well it droped to freezing last night an woke up freezing myself! i used 3 1/2 bags of fiberglass blown insulation which seemed to fill it up pretty good. but yea it was flippin cold still the front the house seems to stay pretty warm i just cant seem to get this fixed what could be the problem? oh i also threw some 4 mil plastic over the windows back there an still nothing any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:19 pm
by Greg
There are many things that could cause the problem. The easiest way that I have found to find drafts is with a candle. If you have the standard "trailer" windows that is at least part of the problem. There may also be leakage where the walls meet the floor. Greg

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:12 pm
by sqhurt
Greg wrote:There are many things that could cause the problem. The easiest way that I have found to find drafts is with a candle. If you have the standard "trailer" windows that is at least part of the problem. There may also be leakage where the walls meet the floor. Greg
thats a good ideal!! thanks for the info! but i have put some plastic over the windows an seemed to help alot, looking at some double hung low-e windows but only can afford to get maybe two for right now, gonna get the rest as money comes...I have had this same problem since ive lived here, the back house is very cold compared to the front.. i checked the duct work with a light an digi cam found one spot that could use some tape but everything else seemed to be fine.. just dont seem to get enough "hot air" in the back half... gonna do the skirting insulation thing hopefully this week an see if this helps out any... getting tired of putting money in this after new furnace, an all the blown fiberglass insulation i had out in, was so excitied for this winter cause we would be warm but ohh noo lol, well i guess its trial an error ... this site has helped me alot tho in going about things an tips.. thanks

RE: flippin cold...

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:44 pm
by Yanita

Coming in on this a little late, but had some more thoughts.

While you are looking for drafts do not forget to install outlet and switch styrofoam insulators on all exterior walls. Seems that some homes get alot of drafts from there as well.

Make sure that your skirting is tight and in good repair. Have you closed your skirting vents for the winter?

Also, I noted that you have blown in insulation. Typically we recommend batts insulation. When installed correctly batts sits close to the duct lines and helps keep the air warm as it passes thru our thin ducts. Also keeps the radiant heat from the ducts closer to the floor.

You also said that you have checked your ducts for leaks, I am thinking that somewhere you might of missed a substantial leak for there to be that much of a temperature difference.

Make sure that your interior floor coverings are secure to the floor under your register covers. I found on more than one occasion that the heat goes under carpeting or vinyl if they are not attached well.

Also, do you close your bedroom door at night once you retire for the evening? If so this might be another cause for your room to be much colder.


RE: flippin cold...

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:12 pm
by radoo99
I had a draft coming from my heat duct and thought it was the underbelly, but come to find out, i reached my hand into the duct and felt around, the duct had come loose from where it was stapled on before. i checked all of them and all but one were like that. i fixed them and no drafts and more heat! :D I stuck a small mirror down the duct and shined a flashlight on it to see where to fix. There was atleast an inch of space all around the duct where cold air was coming in. Leave your bedroom door open too i know that this helps.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:48 am
by steve
If you dont find an obvious leak you could dial down the air flow at all the other registers
and as already said...keep your door open for return air to the furnace.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:00 pm
by Brenda OH reregister
this may seem weird, but I was new to working on homes at the time....

I missed that there was a 1 foot by 2 foot floor duct for the air conditioner 1 foot diameter line that the line had fallen off of, and you could see the ground looking down the duct. I put a piece of insulation into the bottom of the air duct, and cut a piece of plywood to lay over that, and later reconnect the duct. I had been blowing heat under the home for a week before I felt the cold air and found the problem!

I also had to check that there was no other strange duct work done related to the air conditioner, since there were other large pipes laying under the home. did not find another hole for the ac line lying there, but I would not be surprised if I ever got a call from my buyer telling me they found it later!

Brenda (OH)

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:39 pm
by Dean2
In many homes the interior doors are an inch or so up from the floor just for the purpose of cold air return.It sucks for letting sound in/out but is needed if there are no cold air return ducts.


RE: flippin cold...

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:18 pm
by Yanita

I think this one has been answered as well, will lock this one. If you need further information please feel free to begin another thread.
