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On a basement and block foundation

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:25 pm
by lbair1
I am putting my 16 X 80 on a basement that will be 16 X 55. Not putting a basement under the sunken living room. What are the issues for venting in both these areas?
Linda :lol:

RE: On a basement and block foundation

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:55 pm
by Maureen
Hi Linda,

I can't really give you a lot of information about basements. Even though we're located in the desert, and deal with droughts all the time, we have a high water table. We don't see too many basements out here.

Are you doing this all by yourself? Or do have an engineer and other pros on the job? Your local codes should also give you a lot of information about venting.

Personally, I don't consider a basement a DIY project. It's one area that you really should call the pros in to do.

Sylvia is our expert on basements, maybe she can lend some advice.


RE: On a basement and block foundation

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:19 am
by Sylvia
If you put a basement under the entire structure, it becomes basically a regular house. It would be vented the same way as a normal home at that time.

Are you putting windows and a door(s)? Our basement is vented through regular vents. We have a furnace that vents and will be putting in a second fireplace in the master bedroom that is a vented gas fireplace that will vent out the side.

We had to have holes drilled into the block foundation to run the vent pipes from the bathrooms, laundry and furnace. Our plumber ran these pipes.

We were fortunate in the fact that the contractor who did the excavation and lifting of the house had a working relationship with a plumber and a mason all of which were on good terms with one another and worked together well.

RE: On a basement and block foundation

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:08 am
by lbair1
I do have a professional building the basement and a professional mover to put the home on the basement. We are all meeting together this Friday to discuss. I just wanted to make sure I was as well informed as possible. Have ordered Mark's book as well. I was just worried about the area that will not have a basement under - the sunken living room. My contractor is recommending putting a heavy plastic (or something) sheeting on the ground and up the block foundation to keep out moisture just in that area.
By the way, how do you post a reply without having to go through the login process a second time?

RE: On a basement and block foundation

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:40 pm
by Greg
As long as you will be using concrete why not pour a cement pad under the rest of the home? I would use regular skirted home ventilation guidelines. Greg